3160. 所有球里面不同颜色的数目

Powered by:NEFU AB-IN


3160. 所有球里面不同颜色的数目


给你一个整数 limit 和一个大小为 n x 2 的二维数组 queries 。

总共有 limit + 1 个球,每个球的编号为 [0, limit] 中一个 互不相同 的数字。一开始,所有球都没有颜色。queries 中每次操作的格式为 [x, y] ,你需要将球 x 染上颜色 y 。每次操作之后,你需要求出所有球中 不同 颜色的数目。

请你返回一个长度为 n 的数组 result ,其中 result[i] 是第 i 次操作以后不同颜色的数目。

注意 ,没有染色的球不算作一种颜色。



del 操作在 Python 的哈希表上是 𝑂(1),可以直接删除这一项
哈希表(如 Counter)的 len 操作的复杂度是 𝑂(1)


Author: NEFU AB-IN
Date: 2024-07-09 17:17:49
FilePath: \LeetCode\3160\3160.py
LastEditTime: 2024-07-09 17:31:23
# 3.8.19 import
import random
from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import lru_cache
from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush, nlargest, nsmallest
from itertools import combinations, compress, permutations, starmap, tee
from math import ceil, fabs, floor, gcd, log, sqrt
from string import ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase
from sys import exit, setrecursionlimit, stdin
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

# Constants
TYPE = TypeVar('TYPE')
N = int(2e5 + 10)  # If using AR, modify accordingly
M = int(20)  # If using AR, modify accordingly
INF = int(2e9)
OFFSET = int(100)

# Set recursion limit

class Arr:
    array = staticmethod(lambda x=0, size=N: [x] * size)
    array2d = staticmethod(lambda x=0, rows=N, cols=M: [Arr.array(x, cols) for _ in range(rows)])
    graph = staticmethod(lambda size=N: [[] for _ in range(size)])
    def to_1_indexed(data: Union[List, str, List[List]]):
        """Adds a zero prefix to the data and returns the modified data and its length."""
        if isinstance(data, list):
            if all(isinstance(item, list) for item in data):  # Check if it's a 2D array
                new_data = [[0] * (len(data[0]) + 1)] + [[0] + row for row in data]
                return new_data, len(new_data) - 1, len(new_data[0]) - 1
                new_data = [0] + data
                return new_data, len(new_data) - 1
        elif isinstance(data, str):
            new_data = '0' + data
            return new_data, len(new_data) - 1
            raise TypeError("Input must be a list, a 2D list, or a string")

class Str:
    letter_to_num = staticmethod(lambda x: ord(x.upper()) - 65)  # A -> 0
    num_to_letter = staticmethod(lambda x: ascii_uppercase[x])  # 0 -> A
    removeprefix = staticmethod(lambda s, prefix: s[len(prefix):] if s.startswith(prefix) else s)
    removesuffix = staticmethod(lambda s, suffix: s[:-len(suffix)] if s.endswith(suffix) else s)

class Math:
    max = staticmethod(lambda a, b: a if a > b else b)
    min = staticmethod(lambda a, b: a if a < b else b)

class IO:
    input = staticmethod(lambda: stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n"))
    read = staticmethod(lambda: map(int, IO.input().split()))
    read_list = staticmethod(lambda: list(IO.read()))

class Std:

# ————————————————————— Division line ——————————————————————

class Solution:
    def queryResults(self, limit: int, queries: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        cnt_ = Counter()
        colors = Counter()
        res_list = []
        for x, y in queries:
            color = cnt_[x]
            if color:
                colors[color] -= 1
                if colors[color] == 0:
                    del colors[color]
            cnt_[x] = y
            colors[y] += 1
        return res_list


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