HOW - 面试技巧系列 - 全英文面试

  1. 自我介绍

“can you tell me a little bit about yourself?”

“please introduce yourself.”

  1. 工作经验

“can you describe your most recent job experience?”

“how does your experience make you a good fit for this position?”

  1. 职业规划

“what are your long-term career goals?”

“how do you see this position fitting into your career goals?”

  1. 解决问题能力

“can you give me an example of a difficult problem you faced and how you solved it?”

“how would you approach a problem you’ve never encountered before?”

  1. 团队合作

“can you describe a time when you worked collaboratively with a team to achieve a goal?”

“how do you deal with conflicts that arise within a team?”

  1. 技术问题

“can you explain your experience with (specific technology or programming language)?”

“how do you keep up with new developments within the industry?”

  1. 意愿与能力

“what makes you want to work for our company?”

“how do you think skills and experiences make you a good fit for this position?”

  1. 情境题

“how would you handle a difficult client or customer?”

“can you describe a time when you had to make a quick decision under pressure?”


  1. HOW - 面试技巧系列 - 英文面试

    2024-06-09 18:38:02       9 阅读
  2. 人事面试提问技巧攻略

    2024-06-09 18:38:02       21 阅读
  3. 英语面试-BUAA

    2024-06-09 18:38:02       38 阅读
  4. 面试问题(英语

    2024-06-09 18:38:02       31 阅读
  5. 英语面试研究

    2024-06-09 18:38:02       19 阅读
  6. 技术面试十问(中英双语)

    2024-06-09 18:38:02       13 阅读
  7. 程序员的面试技巧

    2024-06-09 18:38:02       38 阅读
  8. 面试算法-63-排列

    2024-06-09 18:38:02       19 阅读


  1. TCP协议是安全的吗?

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  2. 阿里云服务器执行yum,一直下载docker-ce-stable失败

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  3. 【Python教程】压缩PDF文件大小

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  4. 通过文章id递归查询所有评论(xml)

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  1. 泛化能力的理解

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  2. 中介子方程八

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  3. Visual Studio的使用

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  4. 掌握Excel字符串拼接

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  5. 在物联网的应用——智能交通

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  6. 谈谈微服务之间的授权方案

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  7. 第一章 - 第3节- 中央处理器CPU - 课后习题

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  8. linux-du指令

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  9. Python基础知识详解

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  10. Redis是单线程的,但是为什么还那么快?

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  11. 输入与随机数

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  12. git常用指令 , 配置git仓库

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  13. sql注入基础知识

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  14. 代码随想录【字符串】

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