
Rust has always been favored by developers and many technology companies for its ability to provide excellent memory safety protection, concurrency, and efficient programming experience . However, as a language that is very successful in terms of features and adoption rate, Rust’s project governance has many problems.
Rust一直因其能够提供优秀的内存安全保护、并发性以及高效的编程体验而受到开发者和众多科技公司的青睐。然而,作为一种在功能和采用率方面都非常成功的语言,Rust 的项目治理存在很多问题。

The bureaucratic behavior of the Rust Foundation for a long time has caused complaints from users in the Rust open source community, and the recent “trademark farce” has pushed the internal turmoil of Rust to a climax. In the end, some community members who could not tolerate the power of the Rust Foundation forked Rust and created the CrabLang community.
Rust基金会长期以来的官僚行为引起了Rust开源社区用户的抱怨,而最近的“商标闹剧”更是将Rust内部的风波推向了高潮。最终,一些无法容忍 Rust 基金会力量的社区成员分叉了 Rust,创建了 CrabLang 社区。

Fork triggered by outrageous draft

In fact, in terms of background, the relationship between the Rust Foundation and the open source community is already on thin ice. In April of this year, the Rust Foundation solicited feedback from the community on the updated trademark policy. In the new draft, the Rust Foundation hopes to prohibit the use of “Rust” in the names of Rust-related tools or software written in Rust , and even have targeted restrictions on domain names or subdomains.
事实上,从背景来看,Rust 基金会与开源社区的关系已经如履薄冰。今年 4 月,Rust 基金会就更新后的商标政策向社区征求反馈。在新草案中,Rust基金会希望禁止在Rust相关工具或用Rust编写的软件的名称中使用“Rust”,甚至对域名或子域名进行有针对性的限制。

This means that if the draft policy is established, it will force many Rust-based open source projects to change their names for compliance. Many dissatisfied Rust community members have protested to the foundation, and some even said, “I hope the foundation will abandon this policy as soon as possible, otherwise it will seriously affect the development of the Rust language.”

Although under pressure from the community, the Rust Foundation ultimately issued a new statement and closed the feedback form for the draft trademark policy while attempting to quell the controversy. However, after this battle, some users who were completely disappointed with the Rust Foundation still chose to fork Rust and establish the CrabLang community branch.
尽管迫于社区压力,Rust 基金会最终还是发布了新的声明,并关闭了商标政策草案的反馈表,同时试图平息争议。然而,经过这场战斗,一些对Rust基金会彻底失望的用户仍然选择分叉Rust并建立CrabLang社区分支。

CrabLang: The New Utopia CrabLang:新乌托邦

In CrabLang’s official introduction, they stated that the creation of the community branch is a response to the restrictive trademark policies proposed by enterprises and foundations . The new draft of the Rust Foundation is the reason for the community fork, and CrabLang hopes to solve this problem in a better way.
在CrabLang的官方介绍中,他们表示,社区分支的创建是对企业和基金会提出的限制性商标政策的回应。 Rust基金会的新草案是社区分叉的原因,CrabLang希望以更好的方式解决这个问题。

CrabLang’s goal is not to replace Rust , and if users and community members are satisfied with the current state of Rust, CrabLang will encourage users to continue using the Rust language. CrabLang does not want to divide the community, but wants to help provide a new choice for people who are worried about Rust, ensuring that they have more freedom in using, creating, and promoting the language.
CrabLang 的目标不是取代 Rust,如果用户和社区成员对 Rust 目前的状态感到满意,CrabLang 将鼓励用户继续使用 Rust 语言。 CrabLang 不想分裂社区,而是希望帮助为担心 Rust 的人们提供新的选择,确保他们在使用、创建和推广该语言方面有更多的自由。

CrabLang emphasized that it is not opposed to Rust. The main branch of fork will continue to be synchronized with the Rust codebase The main goal of fork is to ensure that the community has an alternative that shares the same values and open source vision as its members, allowing the community to thrive without any interest factors interfering.
CrabLang 强调,并不反对 Rust。 fork 的主要分支将继续与 Rust 代码库同步 fork 的主要目标是确保社区有一个与其成员拥有相同价值观和开源愿景的替代方案,让社区在没有任何利益因素的情况下蓬勃发展干扰。

The development of CrabLang stems from the love of community members for this language. They will try their best to ensure that members and users retain the ability to create content, promote names or trademarks, and other assets while using it. By providing community-driven alternatives, CrabLang hopes to maintain a spirit of collaboration, innovation, and freedom. CrabLang has all the memory safety features of Rust, but it will not have a bureaucratic style.
CrabLang 的发展源于社区成员对这门语言的热爱。他们将尽力确保会员和用户在使用内容时保留创建内容、推广名称或商标以及其他资产的能力。通过提供社区驱动的替代方案,CrabLang 希望保持协作、创新和自由的精神。 CrabLang 具有 Rust 的所有内存安全功能,但不会有官僚风格。

The Rust Foundation is constantly causing trouble
Rust 基金会不断制造麻烦

However, the Rust Foundation is very disdainful of the series of actions taken by the CrabLang community. In a public interview, Ashley Williams, a member of the Rust core team, former executive director and founder of the Rust Foundation, said that forking is more like a negotiation strategy, and she believes that no one in the community is a language expert. In this case, no one will care about this organization, and they can only make some funny moves.
然而Rust基金会对CrabLang社区采取的一系列行为非常不屑。 Rust 核心团队成员、Rust 基金会前执行董事兼创始人 Ashley Williams 在一次公开采访中表示,分叉更像是一种谈判策略,她认为社区中没有人是语言专家。这种情况下,没人会关心这个组织,只能做出一些搞笑的举动。

But soon, another farce led by the Rust Foundation slapped the arrogant leader in the face. Just last week, the organizers of RustConf2023 approached Jean Heyd Meneide, who was about to give a keynote speech at the conference, and asked him to accept it Downgraded from “keynote speech” to “regular speech” . The reason for this is that some members of the Rust Foundation leadership group were dissatisfied with Jean Heyd’s skin color and speech topic.
但很快,Rust基金会主导的另一场闹剧打了这位傲慢领导者的脸。就在上周,RustConf2023的组织者找到了即将在会议上发表主题演讲的Jean Heyd Meneide,并要求他将其从“主题演讲”降级为“常规演讲”。究其原因,是Rust基金会领导小组的部分成员对Jean Heyd的肤色和演讲话题不满意。

The disrespect towards Jean Heyd by the Rust leadership team has caused a “tsunami” in the Rust community. Faced with such authoritarian policies and racial discrimination, JT, a core contributor to the Rust project, angrily resigned from his job at Rust and wrote: “The Foundation has humiliated one of the most important experts in the field.” This sentiment has received a strong response from the community and has led many members who cannot tolerate the Foundation’s behavior to turn to CrabLang.
Rust 领导团队对 Jean Heyd 的不尊重在 Rust 社区引发了一场“海啸”。面对这样的独裁政策和种族歧视,Rust项目的核心贡献者JT愤怒地辞去了Rust的工作,并写道:“基金会羞辱了该领域最重要的专家之一。”这种情绪得到了社区的强烈回应,并导致许多无法容忍基金会行为的成员转向 CrabLang。

According to GitHub star history, after its release in April, CrabLang received 1900 + stars in a short period of time. Although growth slowed down between April and May, with the Rust Foundation’s reckless behavior again, CrabLang’s star count ushered in a new round of surge. As of now, the project has 3800 + stars , and this trend is still continuing.
根据 GitHub Star 历史记录,CrabLang 在 4 月份发布后,短时间内获得了 1900+ Stars。尽管四月到五月期间增长放缓,但随着Rust基金会再次鲁莽行为,CrabLang的star数迎来了新一轮的激增。截至目前,该项目已有3800+颗星,并且这一趋势仍在持续。

Will Fork be a good choice?
Fork 会是一个不错的选择吗?

In fact, there are many well-known projects in the open source community today that are forks. For example, Ubuntu, the most popular Linux publish version in the world, is a branch of Debian. Mozilla Firefox, which has the second largest client base after Chrome, was also forked from the Mozilla application suite. There are many successful cases, but there are also many projects that ultimately fail.
事实上,如今开源社区中有很多知名的项目都是分叉的。例如,Ubuntu是世界上最流行的Linux发布版本,它是Debian的一个分支。 Mozilla Firefox 拥有仅次于 Chrome 的第二大客户群,它也是从 Mozilla 应用程序套件中分叉出来的。成功的案例有很多,但最终失败的项目也有很多。

In short, the fork open source project has its two sides. New projects will either produce more new products with the support of members and establish their own ecosystem, or they may gradually decline and eventually disappear as the main project continues to prosper.
简而言之,fork 开源项目有其两个方面。新项目要么会在成员的支持下产生更多的新产品,建立自己的生态系统,要么随着主项目的不断繁荣而逐渐衰落,最终消失。

However, CrabLang’s fork is not intended to replace or recreate Rust. In their own words, “We are not against the original language of this project, Rust. Our main goal is to establish a community with the same values as the developers, so that people who are dissatisfied with the current state of Rust can have more choices.”
然而,CrabLang 的分叉并不是为了取代或重新创建 Rust。用他们自己的话来说,“我们并不反对这个项目的原始语言 Rust。我们的主要目标是建立一个与开发者具有相同价值观的社区,让那些对 Rust 现状不满意的人可以有更多的选择。”

CrabLang’s goal is different from most fork projects in the past, and whether it can ultimately succeed, the choices and attitudes of developers and community members determine everything . No matter where Rust and CrabLang go in the end, this incident proves a fact that even open source foundations, so-called democracy and open governance may have problems, but the open source spirit always drives innovation time and time again.
CrabLang 的目标与以往大多数分叉项目不同,最终能否成功,开发者和社区成员的选择和态度决定一切。无论Rust和CrabLang最终走向何方,这次事件证明了一个事实,即使是开源基金会、所谓的民主和开放治理也可能存在问题,但开源精神总是一次又一次推动创新。

Reference link: 参考链接:

GitHub - crablang/crab: A community fork of a language named after a plant fungus. All of the memory-safe features you love, now with 100% less bureaucracy!

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