【Docker学习】重启容器的docker restart


docker container restart




docker container restart [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]


docker restart(docker的一些命令可以简写,docker restart就等同于docker container restart)


选项 描述
-s, --signal 给容器发送信号
-t, --time 在容器启动后,等待多少秒之后,如果容器没有按预期运行,则自动终止(kill)容器


如上图所示,我通过docker ps -a显示所有停止的容器,通过docker restart nginx重启nginx容器,最后docker ps显示nginx的状态为Up。




func runRestart(ctx context.Context, dockerCli command.Cli, opts *restartOptions) error {
	var errs []string
	var timeout *int
	if opts.timeoutChanged {
		timeout = &opts.timeout
	for _, name := range opts.containers {
		err := dockerCli.Client().ContainerRestart(ctx, name, container.StopOptions{
			Signal:  opts.signal,
			Timeout: timeout,
		if err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, err.Error())
		_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(dockerCli.Out(), name)
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "\n"))
	return nil


// StopOptions holds the options to stop or restart a container.
type StopOptions struct {
	// Signal (optional) is the signal to send to the container to (gracefully)
	// stop it before forcibly terminating the container with SIGKILL after the
	// timeout expires. If not value is set, the default (SIGTERM) is used.
	Signal string `json:",omitempty"`

	// Timeout (optional) is the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the container
	// to stop gracefully before forcibly terminating it with SIGKILL.
	// - Use nil to use the default timeout (10 seconds).
	// - Use '-1' to wait indefinitely.
	// - Use '0' to not wait for the container to exit gracefully, and
	//   immediately proceeds to forcibly terminating the container.
	// - Other positive values are used as timeout (in seconds).
	Timeout *int `json:",omitempty"`

从结构体成员Signal上面的的注释可以看到,只有重启失败,经过timeout时间后,signal才会起作用,优雅地停止容器,然后再用 SIGKILL 强制终止容器。如果没有设置值,则使用默认值(SIGTERM)。


关于--signal和--time的使用,在我上一篇【Docker学习】docker stop深入研究有更为深入的使用,这里就不再演示了。


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