ELEC362Application Development with

The long term aim of the project is to develop a fully functional software, known as DataViz, forplotting and processing datasets, which will be eventually deployed and released for all students inthe department to use in their reports, data processing, and as a show case of an authenticexperience of software development for the students of ELEC362. The development is planned over5 years, which started in 2022. Each year the cohort of ELEC362 will be asked to make a majorupgrade to the software(will be referred to as the control version in this report).Each header file of every class in thecontrol version (source files)of the project contains a commentexplaining what the purpose of the class is. The features currently available in the app can be foundunder “Help” menu.Upgrades required for this year:For this year you are asked to implement the following upgrades to DataViz 0.0 (thecontrol version)to end up with DataViz 0.2:-Introduce a way in the appallowingthe user to change the width of the curve, its colour, andits style*.-Update the design of the help window so that it becomes organised into sections which areeasy to add to and expand in the future.-Introduce a way in the app where the names of loaded Datasets can be made available to theuser, so that they can add a comment to describe what each dataset represents.-Define another mean in the app to enable the user to draw a dataset.-Introduce a way in the app where it allows multiple datasets to be plotted into a singlegraph window*.-Create an entry “Function” under the menu “Analysis”, which should allow the user to inputa mathematicalexpression containingthe names of datasets. For example,“D1*exp(-D2)”.For this purpose, use the classes defined in the header atmsp.h (An example test projectshowing how to use this header file has been uploaded to CANVAS)*.-Addinga feature for a histogram plot (you can generate the histogramin GSL and plot it inQCustomPlot via QCPBarsclass).You may assume that all the datasets in the app will have the same x-coordinates. To refer to whatasterisks mean please refer to the last question in FAQ section.After you are done with the upgrade; make sure that:-All the features you add are working well.-You updated the help window in the app to include instructions on how to use the app afterthe features you added.-You handled a range of potential errors that may be experienced in the updated app.It is an expectationfrom everyoneto consult Qt documentation to find any functions or classes thatmight be useful for the implementation of the project. Finally, you should make the programme asNote: The mark will be based on how your applicationbehaves on a computer inthelab. Check your app on one of the computers in the lab to make sure it worksas you expect before submitting your work. Make sure compiling your app isstraightforward and does not need any special compilation instructions.



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