EECS 280 Machine Learning

Automatically identify the subject of posts from the EECS 280 Piazza using natural language processing and machine learning techniques.
The learning goals of this project include Function Objects and Recursion. We’ll reinforce learning  goals from project 4: Container ADTs, Dynamic Memory, The Big Three, Linked Lists, and Iterators.
You will gain experience with recursion, binary trees, templates, comparators, and the map data  structure.
For example, your program will be able to read a Piazza post like this and figure out that it’s about
Project 3: Euchre.
Visual debugger
During setup, name your project p5-ml . Use this starter files link:
VS Code
Visual Studio
You should end up with a folder with starter files that look like this. You may have already renamed files like Map.hpp.starter to Map.hpp . You may also have a main.cpp file after following the  setup tutorial. If not, you will create a main.cpp file in the Classifier section.


  1. ERC20 解读

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       59 阅读
  2. ERC20 | ERC-20/ERC-721/ERC-1155/ERC-3525 区别

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       60 阅读
  3. DAPP开发【05】ERC20/ERC721简介

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       65 阅读
  4. solidity实战练习2--ERC20实现

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       30 阅读


  1. docker php8.1+nginx base 镜像 dockerfile 配置

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       98 阅读
  2. Could not load dynamic library ‘cudart64_100.dll‘

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       106 阅读
  3. 在Django里面运行非项目文件

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       87 阅读
  4. Python语言-面向对象

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       96 阅读


  1. Objective-C网络请求开发的高效实现方法与技巧

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       42 阅读
  2. C++ 设计模式

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       39 阅读
  3. mysqlySQL中启用慢查询日志并设置阈值

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       36 阅读
  4. 大模型日报2024-04-12

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       47 阅读
  5. Kafka


    2024-04-13 05:10:05      25 阅读
  6. props组件传值(子串子)

    2024-04-13 05:10:05       32 阅读