ORACLE ODA一体机存储节点电源故障的分析处理

近期,某用户的ORACLE ODA一体机在例行机房巡检时出现亮黄灯告警;用户反馈次问题后我们立刻通过远程方式,登陆ODA的控制台进行查看;






[root@TEST2 ~]# odaadmcli show enclosure

        NAME        SUBSYSTEM         STATUS      METRIC   

        _FAN0       Cooling           OK          4910 rpm 
        _FAN1       Cooling           OK          4540 rpm 
        _FAN2       Cooling           OK          4920 rpm 
        _FAN3       Cooling           OK          4530 rpm 
        _IOM0       Encl_Electronics  OK          -        
        _IOM1       Encl_Electronics  OK          -        
        _PSU0       Power_Supply      Critical    -       ===>>>显示故障    
        _PSU1       Power_Supply      OK          -        
        _TEMP0      Amb_Temp          OK          23 C     
        _TEMP1      Midplane_Temp     OK          22 C     
        _TEMP2      PCM0_Inlet_Temp   OK          30 C     
        _TEMP3      PCM0_Hotspot_Temp OK          24 C     
        _TEMP4      PCM1_Inlet_Temp   OK          42 C     
        _TEMP5      PCM1_Hotspot_Temp OK          39 C     
        _TEMP6      IOM0_Temp         OK          22 C     
        _TEMP7      IOM1_Temp         OK          22 C 

4 、更换电源(可以先尝试插拔电源线,电源线松动是可能的,插拔后也可能就恢复了)

更换的步骤MOS文档(How to confirm power supply status about storage shelf on ODA X7-2 (Doc ID 2419846.1),How To Replace an ODA (Oracle Database Appliance) X6-2HA, X7-2HA, X8-2HA, X9-2HA DE3-24C Power Supply/Cooling Unit [VCAP] (Doc ID 2960220.1))有视频和步骤,没有特殊的难度,参考如下:

1. Locate the PSU by amber LED

The following LEDs are lit when a power supply fault is detected:

* Front and rear Service Required LEDs
* Rear PS Failure LED on the bezel of the server
* Failure LED on the faulty power supply

2. Verify the PSU part number in the System Handbook and re-confirm.

3. Removing the PSU as follows.
3.1 Clear access to the PSU of any cables harnesses or assemblies.
3.2 Ensure the PSU  On/Off switch is in the 'Off' Position.
3.3 Disconnect the power cord tie strap from the power cord, and unplug the power cord from the PSU.
3.4 Remove installed PSU by, Grasping the PSU handle, push the release button and slide out PSU.

4. Installing the Power Supply as follows or use the "online" Help Guide.

4.1 On the replacement PSU verify that the Release button is open .
4.2 Align PSU with empty bay in chassis and slide in .
4.3 Push the lever fully closed until you hear or feel a click.
4.4 Connect AC power cord to new PSU. Use the power cord retaining clips.
4.4 If required , place cable harness or assemblies back into normal position.
4.5 Turn the On/OFF switch to the On position .

5. Verify the replacement by checking for Green LED

PSUs have a 3 minute Service time limit . When you remove a PSU the
fans on the remaining PSU go to 100 % duty cycle . Testing has shown that
HDD temperatures can exceed their operating temperature when a PSU has
been removed for 3 minutes.

5、检查最终状态(注意次命令的输出,ODA 的2个计算节点的的输出是不一致的,简单说是检测到恢复正常是有时间差的,如节点1显示OK,节点2可能过几分钟才显示OK)

[root@TEST2 ~]# odaadmcli show enclosure

        NAME        SUBSYSTEM         STATUS      METRIC   

        _FAN0       Cooling           OK          4910 rpm 
        _FAN1       Cooling           OK          4540 rpm 
        _FAN2       Cooling           OK          4910 rpm 
        _FAN3       Cooling           OK          4540 rpm 
        _IOM0       Encl_Electronics  OK          -        
        _IOM1       Encl_Electronics  OK          -        
        _PSU0       Power_Supply      OK          -        
        _PSU1       Power_Supply      OK          -        
        _TEMP0      Amb_Temp          OK          23 C     
        _TEMP1      Midplane_Temp     OK          22 C     
        _TEMP2      PCM0_Inlet_Temp   OK          29 C     
        _TEMP3      PCM0_Hotspot_Temp OK          24 C     
        _TEMP4      PCM1_Inlet_Temp   OK          41 C     
        _TEMP5      PCM1_Hotspot_Temp OK          39 C     
        _TEMP6      IOM0_Temp         OK          22 C     
        _TEMP7      IOM1_Temp         OK          28 C  


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