Docker Error log

1.1) for blank palces, only used space instead of table keys, regarding to long commands in docker

docker run \
  --name mysql \
  -p 3306:3306 \
  -v /tmp/mysql/conf/hmy.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/hmy.cnf \
  -v /tmp/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql \
  -d \

1.2) how to produce docker-compose images:

  • check local linux device ip;
  • correct the yml file
  • firstly, should install docker-compose

[root@iZ2vc5lqzt23aweti4j777Z registry-ui]# cat docker-compose.yml
version: ‘3.0’
image: registry
volumes: - ./registry-data:/var/lib/registry
image: joxit/docker-registry-ui:static
- 8080:80
- REGISTRY_URL=http://registry:5000
- registry
[root@iZ2vc5lqzt23aweti4j777Z registry-ui]# docker-compose up -d
Creating network “registry-ui_default” with the default driver
Pulling registry (registry:)…
latest: Pulling from library/registry
79e9f2f55bf5: Pull complete
0d96da54f60b: Pull complete
5b27040df4a2: Pull complete
e2ead8259a04: Pull complete
3790aef225b9: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:169211e20e2f2d5d115674681eb79d21a217b296b43374b8e39f97fcf866b375
Status: Downloaded newer image for registry:latest
Pulling ui (joxit/docker-registry-ui:static)…
static: Pulling from joxit/docker-registry-ui
540db60ca938: Pull complete
197dc8475a23: Pull complete
39ea657007e5: Pull complete
37afbf7d4c3d: Pull complete
0c01f42c3df7: Pull complete
d590d87c9181: Pull complete
3333c94ae44f: Pull complete
33d7cca6fc9f: Pull complete
076b2dd9bdd1: Pull complete
b70198f04ee7: Pull complete
1fb6c5acc953: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:b0657b6be748173583516e411bd71552e54cb7d5dda94964726297ce8774415c
Status: Downloaded newer image for joxit/docker-registry-ui:static
Creating registry-ui_registry_1 … done
Creating registry-ui_ui_1 … done



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