
一个词组有时可作为一个整体来使用,有其特别的意思,与一个单词 相近,可称为习用语(Set Phrase)或成语(Idiom)。它的意思已不完 全是所包含各词原来的意思,如 blue blood 不是表示“蓝色的血液”, 而是指“贵族血统”,keep a good house 不是表示“有好房子”,而是 表示“善于款待客人”。另外,它包含的词不能随便改动,如 take care of(照顾)不能改为 take a care of,give care of,或 do care of。 又如 look after(照看)不能改为 look behind 或 watch af-ter。又
如 lose heart(灰心)不能改为 miss heart,lose a heart。如作这样 改动,意思就会改变或变得没有意义。


  1. Easy come, easy go:来得容易去得快。这个习语用来形容事物或金钱等来得容易,同样也容易失去。

    例句:He won a lot of money in the lottery, but it's easy come, easy go - he's already spent it all.

  2. A piece of cake:小菜一碟,形容某事非常容易。

    例句:The exam was a piece of cake. I finished it in no time.

  3. In a nutshell:简而言之,概括地说。这个习语用来总结或概括某件事情。

    例句:In a nutshell, the book is about the author's journey through different countries.

  4. Keep your chin up:别灰心,振作起来。这个习语用来鼓励他人保持积极态度,不要气馁。

    例句:Don't be discouraged by the failure. Keep your chin up and try again.

  5. As the saying goes:俗话说。这个习语用来引出某个广为人知的谚语或说法。

    例句:As the saying goes, "Time flies when you're having fun."

  6. All in a day's work:日常工作的一部分,习以为常的事情。

    例句:Fixing the leaky faucet is all in a day's work for a plumber.




  1. Priority(优先权/优先事项):在四级考试中,这个词经常出现在讨论任务分配、问题解决或资源管理的语境中。

    例句:Completing the project on time is our top priority.

  2. Reader(读者):在讨论文学作品、新闻报道或任何形式的阅读材料时,这个词经常出现。

    例句:The magazine is popular among its readers for its informative articles.

  3. Rate(速度/比率/价格):这个词在描述变化速度、比较比率或讨论价格时非常常见。

    例句:The inflation rate has been increasing steadily over the past few years.

  4. Intensify(增强/加剧):在描述某种情况或感情变得更为强烈时,这个词经常出现。

    例句:The storm intensified as it moved closer to the coast.


  1. All of a sudden(突然地):用于描述某事突然发生,没有预兆。

    例句:All of a sudden, the lights went out and we were plunged into darkness.

  2. By all means(一定/务必):用于强调某事必须发生或完成。

    例句:By all means, we should finish the report before the deadline.

  3. As…as(像……一样):用于比较两个事物或情况的相似程度。

    例句:She is as smart as she is beautiful.

  4. The early bird catches the worm(早起的鸟儿有虫吃):这个习语用来鼓励人们勤奋努力,尽早开始行动。

  5. Break new ground(开辟新天地/创新):用于描述某人或某事物在某个领域取得了新的突破或进展。

    例句:Her research has broken new ground in the field of artificial intelligence.

  6. A piece of mind(心安):表示消除疑虑或担忧后的轻松状态。

    例句:Knowing that the project is on track gives me a piece of mind.



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