
词组是比单词较大的单位。分句又是比词组更大的单位。分句是一个 “大”句子中包含的一个“小”句子,有它自己的主语及谓语。它多由 一个连词所引带或连接。下面第一个例句:
I know that you are all right 是一个“大”句子,you are all right 是包含在“大”句子中的“小”句子,由连词 that 引带。
I know that you are all right.
He will come though it rains.
I was dining when he came.
How he did it was unknown.
The house where I live is small.
9 如果有两个或更多“小”句子由 and,but,or,so 这类并列连词连接, 这个“大”句子就称为并列句(Compound Sentence),“小”句子就称 为分句(Coordinate Clause)。例如:
I walked along,and he followed me.
I talked to him,but he wouldn't listen to me.
I must work,or I shall be starved,but I am so ill.
She loves me,so I love her,but John loves her,too.
10 如果分句起形容词的作用,修饰一名词或代词,这种分句就称为形 容词从句(或定语从句),句子的其他部分称为主句(MainClause 或 Principal Clause)。例如
I know the man who killed the woman.(形容词从句,修饰 man,
I know the man 为主句)
He entered the room where many of his friends were waiting.
(He entered the room 为主句,where 引带的为形容词从句,从句
修饰 room)
如果从句起副词的作用,修饰句子中的另一动词,这种分句称为副 词从句(或状语从句),句子的另一部分称为主句。
He stayed at home because he was ill.(副词从句,修饰 stayed, He stayed at home 为主句)
He will come here if it doesn't rain.(副词从句,修饰动词 come,He will come here 为主句)
如果整个分句起名词的作用(用作主语、宾语、表语或同位语), 这种从句称名词从句。
That he has resigned(主语从句)is true.
I know that he is honest.(宾语从句,作动词 know 的宾语)
That depends on how he did it.(宾语从句,作介词 on 的宾语)
11 形容词从句、副词从句、名词从句,统称为从属句 (SubordinateClauses),简称从句。通常它都由从属连词(Subordinate Con - junctions )引带。凡包含从句的句子都称为复合句(ComplexSentences)。
12 不包含从句或分句的句子称为简单句(Simple Sentences),如 John came yesterday.He does not know anything about herdeath.
  1. 简单句(Simple Sentences)
    • 只包含一个主语和一个谓语。
    • 例如:John came yesterday.
  2. 并列句(Compound Sentences)
    • 包含两个或更多独立的主谓结构,这些结构由并列连词(如and, but, or, so)连接。
    • 例如:I walked along, and he followed me.
  3. 复合句(Complex Sentences)
    • 包含一个主句(Main Clause)和一个或多个从句(Subordinate Clause)。
    • 从句可以是形容词从句(形容词性从句/定语从句)、副词从句(副词性从句/状语从句)或名词从句。
  4. 从句(Subordinate Clauses)
    • 分为以下三种:
      • 形容词从句(Adjective Clauses):修饰名词或代词,如“I know the man who killed the woman.”
      • 副词从句(Adverbial Clauses):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,如“He stayed at home because he was ill.”
      • 名词从句(Noun Clauses):在句子中起名词的作用,如“That he has resigned is true.”
  5. 主句(Main Clause/Principal Clause)
    • 在复合句中,主句是包含从句的完整句子部分,它本身可以是一个简单句或并列句。
  6. 连词(Conjunctions)
    • 并列连词(Coordinating Conjunctions):连接并列句中的各个部分,如and, but, or, so。
    • 从属连词(Subordinating Conjunctions):引导从句,如that, if, when, where, because等。
  7. 分句(Clauses)
    • 在并列句中,每个主谓结构都可以看作是一个分句。
    • 在复合句中,主句和从句都可以被看作是分句,但通常我们更关注从句,因为它提供了额外的信息或修饰。



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