

 rollout export_UE4Cam_v2 "导出UE4Cam_v2:半自动" width:200 height:120
	HyperLink  explain "在打开的max文件中使用" pos:[25,12] width:200 height:15 color:(color 255 155 0)	 
	GroupBox grp1 "要导出的相机名" pos:[5,28] width:179 height:40
	pickbutton OutCam "拾取相机" pos:[20,40] width:150 height:20
	GroupBox grp2 "要导出的fbx文件名" pos:[5,70] width:179 height:50
	button	 bt_create	"Create UE4 Camera" pos:[20,85] width:150 height:32 enabled:true
fn format_txt FilePath filetext1 filetext2=
	if doesFileExist FilePath == true
		fin = openfile FilePath mode:"r+"
		seek fin #eof
		txt = filetext1+RenderWidth as string+"\n"+filetext2+RenderHeight as string+"\n"
		format txt to:fin
		close fin
		newfile = createFile FilePath writeBOM:true
		close newfile
		format_txt FilePath filetext1 filetext2

    on OutCam picked obj do
     OutCam.text =
 	on bt_create pressed do
		Freecamera fov:45 targetDistance:314.512 nearclip:1 farclip:1000 nearrange:0 farrange:1000 mpassEnabled:off mpassRenderPerPass:off pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
		mycam = OutCam.text
		$.name = mycam
		UE4CAM =$
		MAXCAM =getnodebyname mycam
		UE4CAM.Position.controller= Position_Constraint ()
		A = UE4CAM.Position.controller
		A.appendTarget MAXCAM 100
		UE4CAM.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint ()
		B = UE4CAM.rotation.controller
		B.appendTarget MAXCAM 100

				local forceUpdate = keyboard.shiftPressed -- if SHIFT is pressed when the macro is called, a viewport redraw is enforced for each timestep to ensure a full update of all controllers
				if forceUpdate then format "MB Collapse: Enforcing full viewport update. This might be slow but will ensure proper updating of all controllers\n"
					local p = undefined
					local old_prs_ctrl = copy UE4CAM.transform.controller		-- store old controller for catch()
					with undo on (
						if not forceUpdate then disableSceneRedraw();	-- not using redraw context for max4 compatibility
						-- disableSceneRedraw is problematic as not all scripted controllers are updated!
						try (
							p = Point()			-- create temp point object
							-- copy global transform of source object into temp object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								if forceUpdate then sliderTime = i	-- set slider time to force a global update of all animation data
								at time i (
									with animate on p.transform = UE4CAM.transform
							-- kill old transform controller and assign new, clean one
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = transform_script()	
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = prs()	
							if not (isGroupMember UE4CAM) then UE4CAM.parent = undefined	-- unlink if not in a group
							-- copy temp object animation back into source object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								at time i (
									with animate on	UE4CAM.transform = p.transform

							delete p			-- delete temp point obj
							p = undefined
							if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						format "coder zsz:QQ  : Fatal error - exiting\n"
									if p!=undefined then delete p
									UE4CAM.transform.controller = old_prs_ctrl
									if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						  )-- catch				
					)--with undo
        -- 使用一个.net文件windows窗口—导出fbx文件
		browse_dialog = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog" --建立一个打开文件对话框
		DotNetFile = DotNetClass "System.IO.File"--创建.net文件
		browse_dialog.title = "保存文件" --设置标题
		browse_dialog.Filter = "fbx Files (*.fbx)|*.fbx|All Files (*.*)|*.*" --确认这个文件过滤
		browse_dialog.fileName = trimright maxfilename ".max"
		browse_dialog.FilterIndex = 2 --设置文件过滤下拉菜单长度
		result = browse_dialog.showDialog() --显示对话框,得到的结果进变量
		if (result.Equals result.OK) then
			if ( not (DotNetFile.Exists browse_dialog.FileName)) then
				select UE4CAM
				if selection.count !=0 then(	
				exportFile AA  #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexp
				format_txt BB "renderWidth=" "renderHight="

		delete UE4CAM
 rollout exportFBX "导出fbx模:半自动" width:200 height:100
	HyperLink explain "在打开的max文件中使用" pos:[25,0] width:200 height:15 color:(color 255 155 0)	 
	GroupBox grp1 "要导出的角色根骨骼" pos:[5,15] width:179 height:80
	pickbutton PickRoot "拾取根骨骼" pos:[20,30] width:150 height:20
	button	 bt_OutFBX	"输出fbx模型" pos:[20,55] width:150 height:30 enabled:true

	 on PickRoot picked obj do
		PickRoot.text =
	 on bt_OutFBX pressed do
		ChrBone=getnodebyname PickRoot.text
		select ChrBone
		if selection.count !=0 then(
			fn getTheChildren obj:selection[1] includeParent:false = (execute ("$'" + ("'/"+(if includeParent then "" else "*/")+".../*"))
			  select (getTheChildren includeParent:true)
			  select (getTheChildren())
			  getTheChildren includeParent:true as array
			  getTheChildren() as array
		mysel=selection as array 
					debb = 10000
						for a in selection do
						if  (classof a == BoneGeometry) then(
							if (numKeys a.position.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.position.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.position.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.position.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
						if (classof a == Biped_Object) then(
							if (numKeys a.transform.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.transform.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.transform.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.transform.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
					animationRange = interval debb finn	
		if selection.count !=0 then(
			actionMan.executeAction 0 "283"  -- Tools: Unfreeze All
			max unfreeze all	  
			allTheSkin = for obj in objects where (classof obj==PolyMeshObject)  collect obj
			for f in allTheSkin do(
			skinMods = getclassinstances Skin target:f 
			max modify mode
			modPanel.setCurrentObject f.modifiers[#Skin]
			skinOps.getnumberbones skinMods[1]
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 1 0
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 2 0	
			if findString bonename "Bip" ==1 then (join mysel f)else(deselect f)
			selectmore mysel
		browse_dialog = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog" --建立一个打开文件对话框
		DotNetFile = DotNetClass "System.IO.File"--创建.net文件
		browse_dialog.title = "保存文件" --设置标题
		browse_dialog.Filter = "fbx Files (*.fbx)|*.fbx|All Files (*.*)|*.*" --确认这个文件过滤
		browse_dialog.fileName = trimright maxfilename ".max"
		browse_dialog.FilterIndex = 2 --设置文件过滤下拉菜单长度
		result = browse_dialog.showDialog() --显示对话框,得到的结果进变量
		if (result.Equals result.OK) then
			if ( not (DotNetFile.Exists browse_dialog.FileName)) then
				if selection.count !=0 then(	
				exportFile AA #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexp

 rollout exportFBX_ue4cam_v1 "批出fbx模&UEcam_V1:自动" width:200 height:120
HyperLink explain "指定目录即可,不需要打开文件" pos:[25,0] width:200 height:15  color:(color 255 155 0)
edittext selfile "" pos:[10,20] width:140 height:19 text:"...请选择目录"
button btn_browse "..."  pos:[160,20] width:30 height:19 
checkBox ignore "忽略backup文件" pos:[60,40] width:100 height:19
-- radioButtons rdo1 "" pos:[30,40] width:168 height:16 labels:#("输出相机", "输出模型") default:1 columns:2	 
button	 bt_create	"批量输出fbx" pos:[20,60] width:150 height:32 enabled:true

fn format_txt filepath filetext1 filetext2=
	if doesFileExist filepath == true
		fin = openfile filepath mode:"r+"
		seek fin #eof
		txt = filetext1+RenderWidth as string+"\n"+filetext2+RenderHeight as string+"\n"
		format txt to:fin
		close fin
		newfile = createFile filepath writeBOM:true
		close newfile
		format_txt filepath filetext1 filetext2
)  -- 逐行写入文本	 
	 on btn_browse pressed do
		global DIR = getSavePath caption:"选择max目录"
		if (DIR != undefined) then ( selfile.text = dir )
	 on bt_create pressed do
	 files =DIR+"\*.max"
	OldFiles=getfiles files	
	GetFile= getFiles files	 
	if (ignore.checked) then(
		 UndoFiles=getfiles (DIR+"\*backup*.max")
		 for j = 1 to UndoFiles.count do	while (index = (findItem GetFile UndoFiles[j])) != 0 do (deleteItem GetFile index)
	 for f in Maxfiles do (
		 loadMaxfile f missingExtFilesAction:#logmsg

		mydir=trimRight f ".max"
		global filename=trimLeft mydir DIR
        global filepath=(DIR+"/"+filename+".txt") as string		 
 		--------start 输出model.fbx-------	
		select $'*bip*' 
		mysel= selection as array
		for f in mysel do(
		fn getRoot node = if isvalidnode node do (while node.parent != undefined do node = node.parent; node)
		aaa=getRoot f
		select aaa
		if (selection.count !=0) then(
			fn getTheChildren obj:selection[1] includeParent:false = (execute ("$'" + ("'/"+(if includeParent then "" else "*/")+".../*"))
			  select (getTheChildren includeParent:true)
			  select (getTheChildren())
			  getTheChildren includeParent:true as array
			  getTheChildren() as array

		if (selection.count !=0) do(
					debb = 10000
						for a in selection do
						if  (classof a == BoneGeometry) then(
							if (numKeys a.position.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.position.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.position.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.position.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
						else if (classof a == Biped_Object) then(
							if (numKeys a.transform.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.transform.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.transform.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.transform.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
					animationRange = interval debb finn	

		if selection.count !=0 then(
			actionMan.executeAction 0 "283"  -- Tools: Unfreeze All
			max unfreeze all	  
			allTheSkin = for obj in objects where (classof obj==PolyMeshObject)  collect obj
			for f in allTheSkin do(
			skinMods = getclassinstances Skin target:f 
			max modify mode
			modPanel.setCurrentObject f.modifiers[#Skin]
			skinOps.getnumberbones skinMods[1]
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 1 0
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 2 0	
			if findString bonename "Bip" ==1 then (join mysel f)else(deselect f)
			selectmore mysel

		if selection.count !=0 then(
		exportFile  AA #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexp
		deselect $	
		----end 输出model.fbx---
		camsARr = for o in cameras where classof o != targetobject collect o
		select camsARr  filter:FilterCameras showHidden:true
		MaxCamSelSet = selection as array	
		for i in MaxCamSelSet do(
					MAXCAM= i
					Freecamera fov:45 targetDistance:314.512 nearclip:1 farclip:1000 nearrange:0 farrange:1000 mpassEnabled:off mpassRenderPerPass:off pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
					hide $
					$.name =FileName+"." --设置相机名称
					UE4CAM =$
					UE4CAM.Position.controller= Position_Constraint ()
					A = UE4CAM.Position.controller
					A.appendTarget MAXCAM 100
					UE4CAM.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint ()
					B = UE4CAM.rotation.controller
					B.appendTarget MAXCAM 100

				local forceUpdate = keyboard.shiftPressed -- if SHIFT is pressed when the macro is called, a viewport redraw is enforced for each timestep to ensure a full update of all controllers
				if forceUpdate then format "MB Collapse: Enforcing full viewport update. This might be slow but will ensure proper updating of all controllers\n"
					local p = undefined
					local old_prs_ctrl = copy UE4CAM.transform.controller		-- store old controller for catch()
					with undo on (
						if not forceUpdate then disableSceneRedraw();	-- not using redraw context for max4 compatibility
						-- disableSceneRedraw is problematic as not all scripted controllers are updated!
						try (
							p = Point()			-- create temp point object
							-- copy global transform of source object into temp object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								if forceUpdate then sliderTime = i	-- set slider time to force a global update of all animation data
								at time i (
									with animate on p.transform = UE4CAM.transform
							-- kill old transform controller and assign new, clean one
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = transform_script()	
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = prs()	
							if not (isGroupMember UE4CAM) then UE4CAM.parent = undefined	-- unlink if not in a group
							-- copy temp object animation back into source object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								at time i (
									with animate on	UE4CAM.transform = p.transform
							delete p			-- delete temp point obj
							p = undefined
							if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						format "coder zsz:QQ  : Fatal error - exiting\n"
									if p!=undefined then delete p
									UE4CAM.transform.controller = old_prs_ctrl
									if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						  )-- catch				
					)--with undo


					debb = 10000
					for a in selection do
						if (numKeys a.position.controller > 0)then(
							sortKeys a.controller
							num_keys = numkeys a.position.controller
							starttime = getkeytime a.position.controller 1
							endtime = starttime
							for O = 1 to num_keys do 
								key_time = getkeytime a.position.controller O
								if key_time > endtime then
									 endtime = key_time
							if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
							if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
							starttime = 1
							endtime = 100				
							if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
							if endtime > finn then finn = endtime				
					animationRange = interval debb finn	

					exportFile  BB #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexp	
-- 		------输出cam.txt------
		if MaxCamSelSet.count !=0 then(		
		format_txt filepath "renderWidth=" "renderHight="
-- 		------end输出cam.txt------	
		resetMaxFile #noPrompt
	 NewFiles=getfiles (DIR+"\*.max")
	 for j = 1 to OldFiles.count do	while (index = (findItem NewFiles OldFiles[j])) != 0 do (deleteItem NewFiles index)
	for a in WillDelFiles do
		deletefile a

 rollout exportFBX_ue4cam_v2 "批出fb模&UEcam_V2:模式自选" width:200 height:100
HyperLink explain "指定目录即可,不需要打开文件" pos:[25,0] width:200 height:15 color:(color 255 155 0)
edittext selfile "" pos:[10,15] width:140 height:19 text:"...请选择目录"
button btn_browse "..."  pos:[160,15] width:30 height:19
checkBox ignore "忽略backup文件" pos:[60,35] width:100 height:19
label explain1 "输出相机是打开模式,输出模型是导入模式" pos:[0,64] width:200 height:15 
radioButtons rdo1 "" pos:[30,50] width:168 height:16 labels:#("输出相机", "输出模型") default:1 columns:2	 
button	 bt_create	"批量输出fbx" pos:[20,80] width:150 height:32 enabled:true

 fn LoadOrMergeFile f = (
		 if rdo1.state ==1 then (
			loadMaxfile f missingExtFilesAction:#logmsg
		if rdo1.state ==2 then (
			mergeMaxfile f 

fn format_txt FilePath filetext1 filetext2=
	if doesFileExist FilePath == true
		fin = openfile FilePath mode:"r+"
		seek fin #eof
		txt = filetext1+RenderWidth as string+"\n"+filetext2+RenderHeight as string+"\n"
		format txt to:fin
		close fin
		newfile = createFile FilePath writeBOM:true
		close newfile
		format_txt FilePath filetext1 filetext2
-- 逐行写入文本
	 on btn_browse pressed do
		global DIR = getSavePath caption:"选择max目录"
		if (DIR != undefined) do ( selfile.text = DIR )	
	 on bt_create pressed do
	 files =DIR+"/"+"*.max"
	 OldFiles=getfiles files	
	 GetFile= getFiles files
    if (ignore.checked)then(		
	 WillDelFiles=getfiles (DIR+"\*backup*.max")
	 for j = 1 to WillDelFiles.count do	while (index = (findItem GetFile WillDelFiles[j])) != 0 do (deleteItem GetFile index)
	 for f in Maxfiles do (
			mydir=trimRight f ".max"
			global FileName=trimLeft mydir DIR
			global FilePath=(DIR+"/"+FileName+".txt") as string	
			LoadOrMergeFile f	 
			----输出model.fbx ---		 
	-- 		ExportModel,见 rdo1的写在那里面
			 if rdo1.state ==1 then (
		camsArr = for o in cameras where classof o != targetobject collect o
		select camsArr  filter:FilterCameras showHidden:true
		MaxCamSelSet = selection as array	
		for i in MaxCamSelSet do(
					MAXCAM= i
					Freecamera fov:45 targetDistance:314.512 nearclip:1 farclip:1000 nearrange:0 farrange:1000 mpassEnabled:off mpassRenderPerPass:off pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
					hide $
					$.name =FileName+"." --设置相机名称
					UE4CAM =$
					UE4CAM.Position.controller= Position_Constraint ()
					A = UE4CAM.Position.controller
					A.appendTarget MAXCAM 100
					UE4CAM.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint ()
					B = UE4CAM.rotation.controller
					B.appendTarget MAXCAM 100

				local forceUpdate = keyboard.shiftPressed -- if SHIFT is pressed when the macro is called, a viewport redraw is enforced for each timestep to ensure a full update of all controllers
				if forceUpdate then format "MB Collapse: Enforcing full viewport update. This might be slow but will ensure proper updating of all controllers\n"
					local p = undefined
					local old_prs_ctrl = copy UE4CAM.transform.controller		-- store old controller for catch()
					with undo on (
						if not forceUpdate then disableSceneRedraw();	-- not using redraw context for max4 compatibility
						-- disableSceneRedraw is problematic as not all scripted controllers are updated!
						try (
							p = Point()								-- create temp point object
							-- copy global transform of source object into temp object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								if forceUpdate then sliderTime = i	-- set slider time to force a global update of all animation data
								at time i (
									with animate on p.transform = UE4CAM.transform
							-- kill old transform controller and assign new, clean one
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = transform_script()	
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = prs()	
							if not (isGroupMember UE4CAM) then UE4CAM.parent = undefined	-- unlink if not in a group
							-- copy temp object animation back into source object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								at time i (
									with animate on	UE4CAM.transform = p.transform
							delete p			-- delete temp point obj
							p = undefined
							if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						format "coder zsz:QQ  : Fatal error - exiting\n"
									if p!=undefined then delete p
									UE4CAM.transform.controller = old_prs_ctrl
									if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						  )-- catch				
					)--with undo
					debb = 10000
					for a in selection do
						if (numKeys a.position.controller > 0)then(
							sortKeys a.controller
							num_keys = numkeys a.position.controller
							starttime = getkeytime a.position.controller 1
							endtime = starttime
							for O = 1 to num_keys do 
								key_time = getkeytime a.position.controller O
								if key_time > endtime then
									 endtime = key_time
							if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
							if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
							starttime = 1
							endtime = 100				
							if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
							if endtime > finn then finn = endtime				
					animationRange = interval debb finn	
					exportFile FBXFileName #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexpp	
				if MaxCamSelSet.count !=0 then(				
				format_txt FilePath "renderWidth=" "renderHight="
			if rdo1.state ==2 then (

		select $'*bip*' 
		mysel= selection as array
		for f in mysel do(
		fn getRoot node = if isvalidnode node do (while node.parent != undefined do node = node.parent; node)
		aaa=getRoot f
		select aaa
		if selection.count !=0 then(
		fn getTheChildren obj:selection[1] includeParent:false = (execute ("$'" + ("'/"+(if includeParent then "" else "*/")+".../*"))
		  select (getTheChildren includeParent:true)
		  select (getTheChildren())
		  getTheChildren includeParent:true as array
		  getTheChildren() as array
					debb = 10000
						for a in selection do
						if  (classof a == BoneGeometry) then(
							if (numKeys a.position.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.position.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.position.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.position.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
						if (classof a == Biped_Object) then(
							if (numKeys a.transform.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.transform.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.transform.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.transform.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
					animationRange = interval debb finn	
		if selection.count !=0 then(		  
			actionMan.executeAction 0 "283"  -- Tools: Unfreeze All
			max unfreeze all
			allTheSkin = for obj in objects where (classof obj==PolyMeshObject)  collect obj
			for f in allTheSkin do(
			skinMods = getclassinstances Skin target:f 
			max modify mode
			modPanel.setCurrentObject f.modifiers[#Skin]
			skinOps.getnumberbones skinMods[1]
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 1 0
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 2 0	
			if findString bonename "Bip" ==1 then (join mysel f)else(deselect f)
			selectmore mysel
				----start 输出model.fbx---	
				if selection.count !=0 then(		
				exportFile  AA #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexp
				----end 输出model.fbx---
			resetMaxFile #noPrompt	
	 NewFiles=getfiles (DIR+"\*.max")
	 for j = 1 to OldFiles.count do	while (index = (findItem NewFiles OldFiles[j])) != 0 do (deleteItem NewFiles index)
	for a in WillDelFiles do
		deletefile a

globalrollout = newrolloutfloater "导ue4模型和相机工具集" 200 535
addRollout export_UE4Cam_v2 globalrollout
addRollout exportFBX globalrollout
addRollout exportFBX_ue4cam_v1 globalrollout
addRollout exportFBX_ue4cam_v2 globalrollout 


 rollout export_UE4Cam_v2 "导出UE4Cam_v2:半自动" width:200 height:120
	HyperLink  explain "在打开的max文件中使用" pos:[25,12] width:200 height:15 color:(color 255 155 0)	 
	GroupBox grp1 "要导出的相机名" pos:[5,28] width:179 height:40
	pickbutton OutCam "拾取相机" pos:[20,40] width:150 height:20
	GroupBox grp2 "要导出的fbx文件名" pos:[5,70] width:179 height:50
	button	 bt_create	"Create UE4 Camera" pos:[20,85] width:150 height:32 enabled:true
fn format_txt FilePath filetext1 filetext2=
	if doesFileExist FilePath == true
		fin = openfile FilePath mode:"r+"
		seek fin #eof
		txt = filetext1+RenderWidth as string+"\n"+filetext2+RenderHeight as string+"\n"
		format txt to:fin
		close fin
		newfile = createFile FilePath writeBOM:true
		close newfile
		format_txt FilePath filetext1 filetext2

    on OutCam picked obj do
     OutCam.text =
 	on bt_create pressed do
		Freecamera fov:45 targetDistance:314.512 nearclip:1 farclip:1000 nearrange:0 farrange:1000 mpassEnabled:off mpassRenderPerPass:off pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
		mycam = OutCam.text
		$.name = mycam
		UE4CAM =$
		MAXCAM =getnodebyname mycam
		UE4CAM.Position.controller= Position_Constraint ()
		A = UE4CAM.Position.controller
		A.appendTarget MAXCAM 100
		UE4CAM.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint ()
		B = UE4CAM.rotation.controller
		B.appendTarget MAXCAM 100

				local forceUpdate = keyboard.shiftPressed -- if SHIFT is pressed when the macro is called, a viewport redraw is enforced for each timestep to ensure a full update of all controllers
				if forceUpdate then format "MB Collapse: Enforcing full viewport update. This might be slow but will ensure proper updating of all controllers\n"
					local p = undefined
					local old_prs_ctrl = copy UE4CAM.transform.controller		-- store old controller for catch()
					with undo on (
						if not forceUpdate then disableSceneRedraw();	-- not using redraw context for max4 compatibility
						-- disableSceneRedraw is problematic as not all scripted controllers are updated!
						try (
							p = Point()			-- create temp point object
							-- copy global transform of source object into temp object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								if forceUpdate then sliderTime = i	-- set slider time to force a global update of all animation data
								at time i (
									with animate on p.transform = UE4CAM.transform
							-- kill old transform controller and assign new, clean one
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = transform_script()	
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = prs()	
							if not (isGroupMember UE4CAM) then UE4CAM.parent = undefined	-- unlink if not in a group
							-- copy temp object animation back into source object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								at time i (
									with animate on	UE4CAM.transform = p.transform

							delete p			-- delete temp point obj
							p = undefined
							if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						format "coder zsz:QQ  : Fatal error - exiting\n"
									if p!=undefined then delete p
									UE4CAM.transform.controller = old_prs_ctrl
									if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						  )-- catch				
					)--with undo
        -- 使用一个.net文件windows窗口—导出fbx文件
		browse_dialog = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog" --建立一个打开文件对话框
		DotNetFile = DotNetClass "System.IO.File"--创建.net文件
		browse_dialog.title = "保存文件" --设置标题
		browse_dialog.Filter = "fbx Files (*.fbx)|*.fbx|All Files (*.*)|*.*" --确认这个文件过滤
		browse_dialog.fileName = trimright maxfilename ".max"
		browse_dialog.FilterIndex = 2 --设置文件过滤下拉菜单长度
		result = browse_dialog.showDialog() --显示对话框,得到的结果进变量
		if (result.Equals result.OK) then
			if ( not (DotNetFile.Exists browse_dialog.FileName)) then
				select UE4CAM
				if selection.count !=0 then(	
				exportFile AA  #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexp
				format_txt BB "renderWidth=" "renderHight="

		delete UE4CAM

rollout exportFBX "导出fbx模:半自动" width:200 height:100
	HyperLink explain "在打开的max文件中使用" pos:[25,0] width:200 height:15 color:(color 255 155 0)	 
	GroupBox grp1 "要导出的角色根骨骼" pos:[5,15] width:179 height:80
	pickbutton PickRoot "拾取根骨骼" pos:[20,30] width:150 height:20
	button	 bt_OutFBX	"输出fbx模型" pos:[20,55] width:150 height:30 enabled:true

	 on PickRoot picked obj do
		PickRoot.text =
	 on bt_OutFBX pressed do
		ChrBone=getnodebyname PickRoot.text
		select ChrBone
		if selection.count !=0 then(
			fn getTheChildren obj:selection[1] includeParent:false = (execute ("$'" + ("'/"+(if includeParent then "" else "*/")+".../*"))
			  select (getTheChildren includeParent:true)
			  select (getTheChildren())
			  getTheChildren includeParent:true as array
			  getTheChildren() as array
		mysel=selection as array 
					debb = 10000
						for a in selection do
						if  (classof a == BoneGeometry) then(
							if (numKeys a.position.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.position.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.position.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.position.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
						if (classof a == Biped_Object) then(
							if (numKeys a.transform.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.transform.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.transform.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.transform.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
					animationRange = interval debb finn	
		if selection.count !=0 then(
			actionMan.executeAction 0 "283"  -- Tools: Unfreeze All
			max unfreeze all	  
			allTheSkin = for obj in objects where (classof obj==PolyMeshObject)  collect obj
			for f in allTheSkin do(
			skinMods = getclassinstances Skin target:f 
			max modify mode
			modPanel.setCurrentObject f.modifiers[#Skin]
			skinOps.getnumberbones skinMods[1]
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 1 0
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 2 0	
			if findString bonename "Bip" ==1 then (join mysel f)else(deselect f)
			selectmore mysel
		browse_dialog = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog" --建立一个打开文件对话框
		DotNetFile = DotNetClass "System.IO.File"--创建.net文件
		browse_dialog.title = "保存文件" --设置标题
		browse_dialog.Filter = "fbx Files (*.fbx)|*.fbx|All Files (*.*)|*.*" --确认这个文件过滤
		browse_dialog.fileName = trimright maxfilename ".max"
		browse_dialog.FilterIndex = 2 --设置文件过滤下拉菜单长度
		result = browse_dialog.showDialog() --显示对话框,得到的结果进变量
		if (result.Equals result.OK) then
			if ( not (DotNetFile.Exists browse_dialog.FileName)) then
				if selection.count !=0 then(	
				exportFile AA #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexp


 rollout exportFBX_ue4cam_v1 "批出fbx模&UEcam_V1:自动" width:200 height:120
HyperLink explain "指定目录即可,不需要打开文件" pos:[25,0] width:200 height:15  color:(color 255 155 0)
edittext selfile "" pos:[10,20] width:140 height:19 text:"...请选择目录"
button btn_browse "..."  pos:[160,20] width:30 height:19 
checkBox ignore "忽略backup文件" pos:[60,40] width:100 height:19
-- radioButtons rdo1 "" pos:[30,40] width:168 height:16 labels:#("输出相机", "输出模型") default:1 columns:2	 
button	 bt_create	"批量输出fbx" pos:[20,60] width:150 height:32 enabled:true

fn format_txt filepath filetext1 filetext2=
	if doesFileExist filepath == true
		fin = openfile filepath mode:"r+"
		seek fin #eof
		txt = filetext1+RenderWidth as string+"\n"+filetext2+RenderHeight as string+"\n"
		format txt to:fin
		close fin
		newfile = createFile filepath writeBOM:true
		close newfile
		format_txt filepath filetext1 filetext2
)  -- 逐行写入文本	 
	 on btn_browse pressed do
		global DIR = getSavePath caption:"选择max目录"
		if (DIR != undefined) then ( selfile.text = dir )
	 on bt_create pressed do
	 files =DIR+"\*.max"
	OldFiles=getfiles files	
	GetFile= getFiles files	 
	if (ignore.checked) then(
		 UndoFiles=getfiles (DIR+"\*backup*.max")
		 for j = 1 to UndoFiles.count do	while (index = (findItem GetFile UndoFiles[j])) != 0 do (deleteItem GetFile index)
	 for f in Maxfiles do (
		 loadMaxfile f missingExtFilesAction:#logmsg

		mydir=trimRight f ".max"
		global filename=trimLeft mydir DIR
        global filepath=(DIR+"/"+filename+".txt") as string		 
 		--------start 输出model.fbx-------	
		select $'*bip*' 
		mysel= selection as array
		for f in mysel do(
		fn getRoot node = if isvalidnode node do (while node.parent != undefined do node = node.parent; node)
		aaa=getRoot f
		select aaa
		if (selection.count !=0) then(
			fn getTheChildren obj:selection[1] includeParent:false = (execute ("$'" + ("'/"+(if includeParent then "" else "*/")+".../*"))
			  select (getTheChildren includeParent:true)
			  select (getTheChildren())
			  getTheChildren includeParent:true as array
			  getTheChildren() as array

		if (selection.count !=0) do(
					debb = 10000
						for a in selection do
						if  (classof a == BoneGeometry) then(
							if (numKeys a.position.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.position.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.position.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.position.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
						else if (classof a == Biped_Object) then(
							if (numKeys a.transform.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.transform.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.transform.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.transform.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
					animationRange = interval debb finn	

		if selection.count !=0 then(
			actionMan.executeAction 0 "283"  -- Tools: Unfreeze All
			max unfreeze all	  
			allTheSkin = for obj in objects where (classof obj==PolyMeshObject)  collect obj
			for f in allTheSkin do(
			skinMods = getclassinstances Skin target:f 
			max modify mode
			modPanel.setCurrentObject f.modifiers[#Skin]
			skinOps.getnumberbones skinMods[1]
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 1 0
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 2 0	
			if findString bonename "Bip" ==1 then (join mysel f)else(deselect f)
			selectmore mysel

		if selection.count !=0 then(
		exportFile  AA #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexp
		deselect $	
		----end 输出model.fbx---
		camsARr = for o in cameras where classof o != targetobject collect o
		select camsARr  filter:FilterCameras showHidden:true
		MaxCamSelSet = selection as array	
		for i in MaxCamSelSet do(
					MAXCAM= i
					Freecamera fov:45 targetDistance:314.512 nearclip:1 farclip:1000 nearrange:0 farrange:1000 mpassEnabled:off mpassRenderPerPass:off pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
					hide $
					$.name =FileName+"." --设置相机名称
					UE4CAM =$
					UE4CAM.Position.controller= Position_Constraint ()
					A = UE4CAM.Position.controller
					A.appendTarget MAXCAM 100
					UE4CAM.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint ()
					B = UE4CAM.rotation.controller
					B.appendTarget MAXCAM 100

				local forceUpdate = keyboard.shiftPressed -- if SHIFT is pressed when the macro is called, a viewport redraw is enforced for each timestep to ensure a full update of all controllers
				if forceUpdate then format "MB Collapse: Enforcing full viewport update. This might be slow but will ensure proper updating of all controllers\n"
					local p = undefined
					local old_prs_ctrl = copy UE4CAM.transform.controller		-- store old controller for catch()
					with undo on (
						if not forceUpdate then disableSceneRedraw();	-- not using redraw context for max4 compatibility
						-- disableSceneRedraw is problematic as not all scripted controllers are updated!
						try (
							p = Point()			-- create temp point object
							-- copy global transform of source object into temp object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								if forceUpdate then sliderTime = i	-- set slider time to force a global update of all animation data
								at time i (
									with animate on p.transform = UE4CAM.transform
							-- kill old transform controller and assign new, clean one
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = transform_script()	
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = prs()	
							if not (isGroupMember UE4CAM) then UE4CAM.parent = undefined	-- unlink if not in a group
							-- copy temp object animation back into source object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								at time i (
									with animate on	UE4CAM.transform = p.transform
							delete p			-- delete temp point obj
							p = undefined
							if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						format "coder zsz:QQ  : Fatal error - exiting\n"
									if p!=undefined then delete p
									UE4CAM.transform.controller = old_prs_ctrl
									if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						  )-- catch				
					)--with undo


					debb = 10000
					for a in selection do
						if (numKeys a.position.controller > 0)then(
							sortKeys a.controller
							num_keys = numkeys a.position.controller
							starttime = getkeytime a.position.controller 1
							endtime = starttime
							for O = 1 to num_keys do 
								key_time = getkeytime a.position.controller O
								if key_time > endtime then
									 endtime = key_time
							if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
							if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
							starttime = 1
							endtime = 100				
							if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
							if endtime > finn then finn = endtime				
					animationRange = interval debb finn	

					exportFile  BB #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexp	
-- 		------输出cam.txt------
		if MaxCamSelSet.count !=0 then(		
		format_txt filepath "renderWidth=" "renderHight="
-- 		------end输出cam.txt------	
		resetMaxFile #noPrompt
	 NewFiles=getfiles (DIR+"\*.max")
	 for j = 1 to OldFiles.count do	while (index = (findItem NewFiles OldFiles[j])) != 0 do (deleteItem NewFiles index)
	for a in WillDelFiles do
		deletefile a

 rollout exportFBX_ue4cam_v2 "批出fb模&UEcam_V2:模式自选" width:200 height:100
HyperLink explain "指定目录即可,不需要打开文件" pos:[25,0] width:200 height:15 color:(color 255 155 0)
edittext selfile "" pos:[10,15] width:140 height:19 text:"...请选择目录"
button btn_browse "..."  pos:[160,15] width:30 height:19
checkBox ignore "忽略backup文件" pos:[60,35] width:100 height:19
label explain1 "输出相机是打开模式,输出模型是导入模式" pos:[0,64] width:200 height:15 
radioButtons rdo1 "" pos:[30,50] width:168 height:16 labels:#("输出相机", "输出模型") default:1 columns:2	 
button	 bt_create	"批量输出fbx" pos:[20,80] width:150 height:32 enabled:true

 fn LoadOrMergeFile f = (
		 if rdo1.state ==1 then (
			loadMaxfile f missingExtFilesAction:#logmsg
		if rdo1.state ==2 then (
			mergeMaxfile f 

fn format_txt FilePath filetext1 filetext2=
	if doesFileExist FilePath == true
		fin = openfile FilePath mode:"r+"
		seek fin #eof
		txt = filetext1+RenderWidth as string+"\n"+filetext2+RenderHeight as string+"\n"
		format txt to:fin
		close fin
		newfile = createFile FilePath writeBOM:true
		close newfile
		format_txt FilePath filetext1 filetext2
-- 逐行写入文本
	 on btn_browse pressed do
		global DIR = getSavePath caption:"选择max目录"
		if (DIR != undefined) do ( selfile.text = DIR )	
	 on bt_create pressed do
	 files =DIR+"/"+"*.max"
	 OldFiles=getfiles files	
	 GetFile= getFiles files
    if (ignore.checked)then(		
	 WillDelFiles=getfiles (DIR+"\*backup*.max")
	 for j = 1 to WillDelFiles.count do	while (index = (findItem GetFile WillDelFiles[j])) != 0 do (deleteItem GetFile index)
	 for f in Maxfiles do (
			mydir=trimRight f ".max"
			global FileName=trimLeft mydir DIR
			global FilePath=(DIR+"/"+FileName+".txt") as string	
			LoadOrMergeFile f	 
			----输出model.fbx ---		 
	-- 		ExportModel,见 rdo1的写在那里面
			 if rdo1.state ==1 then (
		camsArr = for o in cameras where classof o != targetobject collect o
		select camsArr  filter:FilterCameras showHidden:true
		MaxCamSelSet = selection as array	
		for i in MaxCamSelSet do(
					MAXCAM= i
					Freecamera fov:45 targetDistance:314.512 nearclip:1 farclip:1000 nearrange:0 farrange:1000 mpassEnabled:off mpassRenderPerPass:off pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
					hide $
					$.name =FileName+"." --设置相机名称
					UE4CAM =$
					UE4CAM.Position.controller= Position_Constraint ()
					A = UE4CAM.Position.controller
					A.appendTarget MAXCAM 100
					UE4CAM.rotation.controller= Orientation_Constraint ()
					B = UE4CAM.rotation.controller
					B.appendTarget MAXCAM 100

				local forceUpdate = keyboard.shiftPressed -- if SHIFT is pressed when the macro is called, a viewport redraw is enforced for each timestep to ensure a full update of all controllers
				if forceUpdate then format "MB Collapse: Enforcing full viewport update. This might be slow but will ensure proper updating of all controllers\n"
					local p = undefined
					local old_prs_ctrl = copy UE4CAM.transform.controller		-- store old controller for catch()
					with undo on (
						if not forceUpdate then disableSceneRedraw();	-- not using redraw context for max4 compatibility
						-- disableSceneRedraw is problematic as not all scripted controllers are updated!
						try (
							p = Point()								-- create temp point object
							-- copy global transform of source object into temp object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								if forceUpdate then sliderTime = i	-- set slider time to force a global update of all animation data
								at time i (
									with animate on p.transform = UE4CAM.transform
							-- kill old transform controller and assign new, clean one
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = transform_script()	
							UE4CAM.transform.controller = prs()	
							if not (isGroupMember UE4CAM) then UE4CAM.parent = undefined	-- unlink if not in a group
							-- copy temp object animation back into source object
							for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
								at time i (
									with animate on	UE4CAM.transform = p.transform
							delete p			-- delete temp point obj
							p = undefined
							if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						format "coder zsz:QQ  : Fatal error - exiting\n"
									if p!=undefined then delete p
									UE4CAM.transform.controller = old_prs_ctrl
									if not forceUpdate then enableSceneRedraw()
						  )-- catch				
					)--with undo
					debb = 10000
					for a in selection do
						if (numKeys a.position.controller > 0)then(
							sortKeys a.controller
							num_keys = numkeys a.position.controller
							starttime = getkeytime a.position.controller 1
							endtime = starttime
							for O = 1 to num_keys do 
								key_time = getkeytime a.position.controller O
								if key_time > endtime then
									 endtime = key_time
							if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
							if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
							starttime = 1
							endtime = 100				
							if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
							if endtime > finn then finn = endtime				
					animationRange = interval debb finn	
					exportFile FBXFileName #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexpp	
				if MaxCamSelSet.count !=0 then(				
				format_txt FilePath "renderWidth=" "renderHight="
			if rdo1.state ==2 then (

		select $'*bip*' 
		mysel= selection as array
		for f in mysel do(
		fn getRoot node = if isvalidnode node do (while node.parent != undefined do node = node.parent; node)
		aaa=getRoot f
		select aaa
		if selection.count !=0 then(
		fn getTheChildren obj:selection[1] includeParent:false = (execute ("$'" + ("'/"+(if includeParent then "" else "*/")+".../*"))
		  select (getTheChildren includeParent:true)
		  select (getTheChildren())
		  getTheChildren includeParent:true as array
		  getTheChildren() as array
					debb = 10000
						for a in selection do
						if  (classof a == BoneGeometry) then(
							if (numKeys a.position.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.position.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.position.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.position.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
						if (classof a == Biped_Object) then(
							if (numKeys a.transform.controller > 0)then(
								sortKeys a.controller
								num_keys = numkeys a.transform.controller
								starttime = getkeytime a.transform.controller 1
								endtime = starttime
								for O = 1 to num_keys do 
									key_time = getkeytime a.transform.controller O
									if key_time > endtime then
										 endtime = key_time
								if starttime < debb then debb = starttime
								if endtime > finn then finn = endtime
					animationRange = interval debb finn	
		if selection.count !=0 then(		  
			actionMan.executeAction 0 "283"  -- Tools: Unfreeze All
			max unfreeze all
			allTheSkin = for obj in objects where (classof obj==PolyMeshObject)  collect obj
			for f in allTheSkin do(
			skinMods = getclassinstances Skin target:f 
			max modify mode
			modPanel.setCurrentObject f.modifiers[#Skin]
			skinOps.getnumberbones skinMods[1]
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 1 0
			bonename =skinOps.getBoneName skinMods[1] 2 0	
			if findString bonename "Bip" ==1 then (join mysel f)else(deselect f)
			selectmore mysel
				----start 输出model.fbx---	
				if selection.count !=0 then(		
				exportFile  AA #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:fbxexp
				----end 输出model.fbx---
			resetMaxFile #noPrompt	
	 NewFiles=getfiles (DIR+"\*.max")
	 for j = 1 to OldFiles.count do	while (index = (findItem NewFiles OldFiles[j])) != 0 do (deleteItem NewFiles index)
	for a in WillDelFiles do
		deletefile a


  1. docker 镜像导入导出方法

    2024-04-25 12:28:06       26 阅读


  1. docker php8.1+nginx base 镜像 dockerfile 配置

    2024-04-25 12:28:06       94 阅读
  2. Could not load dynamic library ‘cudart64_100.dll‘

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  3. 在Django里面运行非项目文件

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  4. Python语言-面向对象

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  2. Linux红帽(RHCE)认证学习笔记

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  3. 远程仓库.github/workflow的 yml如何配置

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  4. spring mvc \ spring boot \ spring cloud

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  5. 使用WebSocket在前端发送消息

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  6. C++:缺省函数

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  7. 17_c/c++开源库 easylogging日志库

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  8. C++ new简介和内存管理

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  9. Sql综合练习

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  10. windows中python版本冲突问题之二

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