

在vue3中需要用i18n-t标签,keypath为i18n值的路径,<template #name>里面就可以放我们想要的组件



// routes.operConfig.json
{"low": "换电前电量低于{number1}%,换电后电量高于{number2}%,为有效换电"}
<i18n-t keypath="routes.operConfig.low">
    <template #number1>
        <InputNumber :max="100" v-model:value="formData.sysOperPowerReplace.beforeRate" />
    <template #number2>
        <InputNumber :max="100" v-model:value="formData.sysOperPowerReplace.afterRate" />


// main.js
import { setupI18n } from '@/locales/setupI18n';
// 异步案例:语言文件可能从服务器端获取
await setupI18n(app);


import type { App } from 'vue';
import type { I18nOptions } from 'vue-i18n';

import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { setHtmlPageLang, setLoadLocalePool } from './helper';
import { localeSetting } from '@/settings/localeSetting';
import { useLocaleStoreWithOut } from '@/store/modules/locale';

const { fallback, availableLocales } = localeSetting;

export let i18n: ReturnType<typeof createI18n>;

async function createI18nOptions(): Promise<I18nOptions> {
  const localeStore = useLocaleStoreWithOut();
  const locale = localeStore.getLocale;
  const defaultLocal = await import(`./lang/${locale}.ts`);
  const message = defaultLocal.default?.message ?? {};

  setLoadLocalePool((loadLocalePool) => {

  return {
    legacy: false,
    fallbackLocale: fallback,
    messages: {
      [locale]: message,
    availableLocales: availableLocales,
    sync: true, //If you don’t want to inherit locale from global scope, you need to set sync of i18n component option to false.
    silentTranslationWarn: true, // true - warning off
    missingWarn: false,
    silentFallbackWarn: true,

// setup i18n instance with glob
export async function setupI18n(app: App) {
  const options = await createI18nOptions();
  i18n = createI18n(options);


import type { LocaleType } from '#/config';

export const loadLocalePool: LocaleType[] = [];

export function setHtmlPageLang(locale: LocaleTy


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