nginx installed inLinux

yum install nginx

[root@mufeng ~]# yum install nginx



netstat -anp |grep nginx

commands: install nginx

vi : under command mode
(how to search the word on the file: 1)enter to search for the first word; 2) then press – n or N for next page)

turn off the iptable before ip address:81

ECS help documentary:

1/system: port can’t be killed

we can change port to 81 by vi nginx.conf

目的地: 81/81 源: all ip suitable for visiting this website

find / -name nginx.conf 找到根目录下名为nginx.conf的配置文件

vi usr/nginx/nginx.conf 利用vi编辑文档usr/nginx下的nginx.conf文档

centos 5,6 stopped domestcally, only cnetos7,8 used now: clost the iptables(firewall in centos, rferring to aliyun ECS documentary), beoforevisit this ip 9.308.309.309:81 successfully



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