根据ELK官网指引部署ELK- ECK-Elastic- Kibana-Learn-ELK-(一)

        1、You need open the ELK official website and step by step to deploy .

        2、If you copy my command ,you must check them if it not match your environment . 

一、official website 

Elastic documentation | Elastic

Check there.

二、 ECK简介

使用Kubernetes Operator 方式部署ELK,可以让你最简单的方式来管理和部署你的ELK全家桶。

三、Deploy Operator  On your Kubetnetes

老规矩,所有的 Operator 都有自己配套的CRD资源。

先部署扩展 CRD扩展资源,然后部署Operato。


kubectl get po -n elastic-system


2.Deploy Elasticsearch cluster


Just copy and deploy it  , The important thing is check the deploy namespace .By default is deploy in default namespace.



3.Deploy Kibana​​​​​​​ instance

Deploy way is same like Elasticsearch cluster.

By default when you deploy the Kibana instance, it will deploy a svc called :"quickstart-kb-http",you can change the service type to "NodePort" then visit the web.

4.visit the web.

need take a note ,cause in the app pods them have self cert .you need used https to visit .

5.the user and passwd.

by default user is elastic,

the password is into the secret called :"quickstart-es-elastic-user".

you can command this to get password.

kubectl get secret quickstart-es-elastic-user -n yournamespace -o=jsonpath='{.data.elastic}' | base64 --decode; echo

*Change  the namespace  .

5.login in 


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