
ld --verbose | grep SEARCH_DIR | tr -s ' ;' \\012
gcc -print-search-dirs#注意输出里有些目录是不存在的

#On systems that support dynamic linking, this overrides -pie and prevents linking with the shared libraries.
#Search the library named library when linking.
#The -l option is passed directly to the linker by GCC.
#The linker searches a standard list of directories for the library.
#The directories searched include several standard system directories plus any that you specify with -L.
#Static libraries are archives of object files, and have file names like liblibrary.a.
#Some targets also support shared libraries, which typically have names like liblibrary.so.
#If both static and shared libraries are found, the linker gives preference to linking with the shared library
#unless the -static option is used.
#Add directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for -l.
#If supported for the target machine, emit position-independent code, suitable for dynamic linking and avoiding any limit
#on the size of the global offset table.
#This option makes a difference on AArch64, m68k, PowerPC and SPARC.
#Position-independent code requires special support, and therefore works only on certain machines.

ldd executable_file/shared library
#print shared library dependencies.(打印某个可执行程序或共享库的,共享库依赖)
#ldd prints the shared libraries required by each program or shared library specified on the command line.
#eg.(ldd /lib64/libm.so,ldd ./main)

file file_name
#file tests each argument in an attempt to classify it.
#There are three sets of tests, performed in this order: filesystem tests, magic tests, and language tests.
#The first test that succeeds causes the file type to be printed.
file /lib64/libm.so
#/lib64/libm.so: symbolic link to '../../lib64/libm.so.6'
file /lib64/libm.so.6
#/lib64/libm.so.6: symbolic link to 'libm-2.17.so'
file /lib64/libm-2.17.so
#/lib64/libm-2.17.so: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=7615, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, not stripped
file ./main
#./main: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=bea5, not stripped
file main.c
#main.c: C source, ASCII text
file Makefile
#Makefile: makefile script, UTF-8 Unicode text
file ../log
#../log: UTF-8 Unicode text
file /usr/local
#/usr/local: directory


int add(int a,int b){
	return a+b;
int sub(int a,int b){
	return a-b;
int divi(int a,int b){
	return a/b; 
#ifndef _MYMATH_H_
#define _MYMATH_H_
int add(int,int);
int sub(int,int);
int divi(int,int);

//gcc -c *.c
//ar rsv libmymath.a add.o sub.o divi.o
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mymath.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	int a=14,b=7;
	return 0;
//gcc test.c libmymath.a -o test -Wall


程序执行的时候(run time)会有一个动态链接

#gcc -c *.c -fPIC
#gcc -shared -o libmymath.so add.o sub.o divi.o
#gcc test.c -o test_without_rpath -lmymath -L./
strace ./test_without_rpath
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./test_without_rpath
#-rpath(含义看man手册,或者ld --help)是ld(GNU linker)的option,gcc使用时需要加上-Wl,
#通过这两个命令(objdump -p test_with_rpath)(readelf -a test_with_rpath)都可以看到,RPATH被硬编码到了dynamic section那里.
gcc test.c -o test_with_rpath -lmymath -L./ -Wl,-rpath=./
gcc test.c -o test_with_rpath1 -lmymath -L./ -Wl,-rpath=./ -Wl,--enable-new-dtags


#ls /usr/lib64/libm{.*,-*}
/usr/lib64/libm-2.17.so  /usr/lib64/libm.so  /usr/lib64/libm.so.6



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