TCM SRAM等五块内存的使用和动态分配

TCM SRAM等五块内存的使用和动态分配


LR_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00200000 { ; load region size_region
 ER_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00200000 { ; load address = execution address
 *.o (RESET, +First)
 .ANY (+RO)
 ; RW data - 128KB DTCM
 RW_IRAM1 0x20000000 0x00020000 { 
 .ANY (+RW +ZI)
 ; RW data - 512KB AXI SRAM
 RW_IRAM2 0x24000000 0x00080000 { 
 ; RW data - 128KB SRAM1(0x30000000) + 128KB SRAM2(0x3002 0000) + 32KB SRAM3(0x30040000)
 RW_IRAM3 0x30000000 0x00048000 { 
 ; RW data - 64KB SRAM4(0x38000000)
 RW_IRAM4 0x38000000 0x00010000 { 



/* 定义在 512KB AXI SRAM 里面的变量 */
__attribute__((section (".RAM_D1"))) uint32_t AXISRAMBuf[10];
__attribute__((section (".RAM_D1"))) uint16_t AXISRAMCount;
/* 定义在 128KB SRAM1(0x30000000) + 128KB SRAM2(0x30020000) + 32KB SRAM3(0x30040000)里面的变量 */
__attribute__((section (".RAM_D2"))) uint32_t D2SRAMBuf[10];
__attribute__((section (".RAM_D2"))) uint16_t D2SRAMount;
/* 定义在 64KB SRAM4(0x38000000)里面的变量 */
__attribute__((section (".RAM_D3"))) uint32_t D3SRAMBuf[10];
__attribute__((section (".RAM_D3"))) uint16_t D3SRAMCount;


D2SRAMBuf[0] = D2SRAMount++;
D2SRAMBuf[5] = D2SRAMount++;
D2SRAMBuf[9] = D2SRAMount++;

D3SRAMBuf[0] = D3SRAMCount++;
D3SRAMBuf[5] = D3SRAMCount++;
D3SRAMBuf[9] = D3SRAMCount++;



#ifndef RTX_LIB_H_
#define RTX_LIB_H_

#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "stm32h7xx.h"

//  Memory Pool Header structure
typedef struct {
  uint32_t size;                // Memory Pool size
  uint32_t used;                // Used Memory
} mem_head_t;

//  Memory Block Header structure
typedef struct mem_block_s {
  struct mem_block_s *next;     // Next Memory Block in list
  uint32_t            info;     // Block Info or max used Memory (in last block)
} mem_block_t;

//  Memory Block Info: Length = <31:2>:'00', Type = <1:0>
#define MB_INFO_LEN_MASK        0xFFFFFFFCU     // Length mask
#define MB_INFO_TYPE_MASK       0x00000003U     // Type mask

//  Memory Head Pointer
__STATIC_INLINE mem_head_t *MemHeadPtr (void *mem) {
  //lint -e{9079} -e{9087} "conversion from pointer to void to pointer to other type" [MISRA Note 6]
  return ((mem_head_t *)mem);

//  Memory Block Pointer
__STATIC_INLINE mem_block_t *MemBlockPtr (void *mem, uint32_t offset) {
  uint32_t     addr;
  mem_block_t *ptr;

  //lint --e{923} --e{9078} "cast between pointer and unsigned int" [MISRA Note 8]
  addr = (uint32_t)mem + offset;
  ptr  = (mem_block_t *)addr;

  return ptr;

//  ==== Library functions ====

// Memory Heap Library functions
extern uint32_t osRtxMemoryInit (void *mem, uint32_t size);
extern void    *osRtxMemoryAlloc(void *mem, uint32_t size, uint32_t type);
extern uint32_t osRtxMemoryFree (void *mem, void *block);

#endif  // RTX_LIB_H_


#include "rtx_lib.h"

//  ==== Library functions ====

/// Initialize Memory Pool with variable block size.
/// \param[in]  mem             pointer to memory pool.
/// \param[in]  size            size of a memory pool in bytes.
/// \return 1 - success, 0 - failure.
__WEAK uint32_t osRtxMemoryInit (void *mem, uint32_t size) {
  mem_head_t  *head;
  mem_block_t *ptr;

  // Check parameters
  //lint -e{923} "cast from pointer to unsigned int" [MISRA Note 7]
  if ((mem == NULL) || (((uint32_t)mem & 7U) != 0U) || ((size & 7U) != 0U) ||
      (size < (sizeof(mem_head_t) + (2U*sizeof(mem_block_t))))) {
    //EvrRtxMemoryInit(mem, size, 0U);
    //lint -e{904} "Return statement before end of function" [MISRA Note 1]
    return 0U;

  // Initialize memory pool header
  head = MemHeadPtr(mem);
  head->size = size;
  head->used = sizeof(mem_head_t) + sizeof(mem_block_t);

  // Initialize first and last block header
  ptr = MemBlockPtr(mem, sizeof(mem_head_t));
  ptr->next = MemBlockPtr(mem, size - sizeof(mem_block_t));
  ptr->next->next = NULL;
  ptr->next->info = sizeof(mem_head_t) + sizeof(mem_block_t);
  ptr->info = 0U;

  //EvrRtxMemoryInit(mem, size, 1U);

  return 1U;

/// Allocate a memory block from a Memory Pool.
/// \param[in]  mem             pointer to memory pool.
/// \param[in]  size            size of a memory block in bytes.
/// \param[in]  type            memory block type: 0 - generic, 1 - control block
/// \return allocated memory block or NULL in case of no memory is available.
__WEAK void *osRtxMemoryAlloc (void *mem, uint32_t size, uint32_t type) {
  mem_block_t *ptr;
  mem_block_t *p, *p_new;
  uint32_t     block_size;
  uint32_t     hole_size;

  // Check parameters
  if ((mem == NULL) || (size == 0U) || ((type & ~MB_INFO_TYPE_MASK) != 0U)) {
    //EvrRtxMemoryAlloc(mem, size, type, NULL);
    //lint -e{904} "Return statement before end of function" [MISRA Note 1]
    return NULL;

  // Add block header to size
  block_size = size + sizeof(mem_block_t);
  // Make sure that block is 8-byte aligned
  block_size = (block_size + 7U) & ~((uint32_t)7U);

  // Search for hole big enough
  p = MemBlockPtr(mem, sizeof(mem_head_t));
  for (;;) {
    //lint -e{923} -e{9078} "cast from pointer to unsigned int"
    hole_size  = (uint32_t)p->next - (uint32_t)p;
    hole_size -= p->info & MB_INFO_LEN_MASK;
    if (hole_size >= block_size) {
      // Hole found
    p = p->next;
    if (p->next == NULL) {
      // Failed (end of list)
      //EvrRtxMemoryAlloc(mem, size, type, NULL);
      //lint -e{904} "Return statement before end of function" [MISRA Note 1]
      return NULL;

  // Update used memory
  (MemHeadPtr(mem))->used += block_size;

  // Update max used memory
  p_new = MemBlockPtr(mem, (MemHeadPtr(mem))->size - sizeof(mem_block_t));
  if (p_new->info < (MemHeadPtr(mem))->used) {
    p_new->info = (MemHeadPtr(mem))->used;

  // Allocate block
  if (p->info == 0U) {
    // No block allocated, set info of first element
    p->info = block_size | type;
    ptr = MemBlockPtr(p, sizeof(mem_block_t));
  } else {
    // Insert new element into the list
    p_new = MemBlockPtr(p, p->info & MB_INFO_LEN_MASK);
    p_new->next = p->next;
    p_new->info = block_size | type;
    p->next = p_new;
    ptr = MemBlockPtr(p_new, sizeof(mem_block_t));

  //EvrRtxMemoryAlloc(mem, size, type, ptr);

  return ptr;

/// Return an allocated memory block back to a Memory Pool.
/// \param[in]  mem             pointer to memory pool.
/// \param[in]  block           memory block to be returned to the memory pool.
/// \return 1 - success, 0 - failure.
__WEAK uint32_t osRtxMemoryFree (void *mem, void *block) {
  const mem_block_t *ptr;
        mem_block_t *p, *p_prev;

  // Check parameters
  if ((mem == NULL) || (block == NULL)) {
    //EvrRtxMemoryFree(mem, block, 0U);
    //lint -e{904} "Return statement before end of function" [MISRA Note 1]
    return 0U;

  // Memory block header
  ptr = MemBlockPtr(block, 0U);

  // Search for block header
  p_prev = NULL;
  p = MemBlockPtr(mem, sizeof(mem_head_t));
  while (p != ptr) {
    p_prev = p;
    p = p->next;
    if (p == NULL) {
      // Not found
      //EvrRtxMemoryFree(mem, block, 0U);
      //lint -e{904} "Return statement before end of function" [MISRA Note 1]
      return 0U;

  // Update used memory
  (MemHeadPtr(mem))->used -= p->info & MB_INFO_LEN_MASK;

  // Free block
  if (p_prev == NULL) {
    // Release first block, only set info to 0
    p->info = 0U;
  } else {
    // Discard block from chained list
    p_prev->next = p->next;

  //EvrRtxMemoryFree(mem, block, 1U);

  return 1U;


/* D1, AXI SRAM, 512KB */
mem_head_t *AXISRAMUsed;
uint64_t AppMallocAXISRAM[512*1024/8]__attribute__((at(0x24000000)));

/* D2, 128KB SRAM1(0x30000000) + 128KB SRAM2(0x30020000) + 32KB SRAM3(0x30040000)  */
mem_head_t *SRAM1Used; 
uint64_t AppMallocSRAM1[288*1024/8]__attribute__((at(0x30000000)));

/* D3, SRAM4, 64KB */
mem_head_t *SRAM4Used;
uint64_t AppMallocSRAM4[64*1024/8]__attribute__((at(0x38000000)));
uint32_t *DTCM_Addres0, *AXISRAM_Addres0, *SRAM1_Addres0, *SRAM4_Addres0;
uint16_t *DTCM_Addres1, *AXISRAM_Addres1, *SRAM1_Addres1, *SRAM4_Addres1;
uint8_t  *DTCM_Addres2, *AXISRAM_Addres2, *SRAM1_Addres2, *SRAM4_Addres2;
osRtxMemoryInit(AppMallocDTCM,    sizeof(AppMallocDTCM));
osRtxMemoryInit(AppMallocAXISRAM, sizeof(AppMallocAXISRAM));
osRtxMemoryInit(AppMallocSRAM1,   sizeof(AppMallocSRAM1));
osRtxMemoryInit(AppMallocSRAM4,   sizeof(AppMallocSRAM4));
 /* 从DTCM申请280字节空间,使用指针变量DTCM_Addres0操作这些空间时不要超过280字节大小 */
DTCM_Addres0 = osRtxMemoryAlloc(AppMallocDTCM, 280, 0);
DTCMUsed = MemHeadPtr(AppMallocDTCM);
printf("DTCM 总大小 = %d 字节,申请大小 = 0280 字节,当前共使用大小 = %d 字节\r\n", 
 DTCMUsed->size, DTCMUsed->used);
/* 从 DTCM 申请 64 字节空间,使用指针变量 DTCM_Addres1 操作这些空间时不要超过 64 字节大小 */
DTCM_Addres1 = osRtxMemoryAlloc(AppMallocDTCM, 64, 0);
DTCMUsed = MemHeadPtr(AppMallocDTCM);
printf("DTCM 总大小 = %d 字节,申请大小 = 0064 字节,当前共使用大小 = %d 字节\r\n", 
 DTCMUsed->size, DTCMUsed->used);
 /* 从 DTCM 申请 6111 字节空间,使用指针变量 DTCM_Addres2 操作这些空间时不要超过 6111 字节大小 */
DTCM_Addres2 = osRtxMemoryAlloc(AppMallocDTCM, 6111, 0);
DTCMUsed = MemHeadPtr(AppMallocDTCM);
printf("DTCM 总大小 = %d 字节,申请大小 = 6111 字节,当前共使用大小 = %d 字节\r\n", 
 DTCMUsed->size, DTCMUsed->used);


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