序列超图的下一项推荐 笔记

1 Title

        Next-item Recommendation with Sequential Hypergraphs(Jianling Wang、Kaize Ding、Liangjie Hong、Huan Liu、James Caverlee)【SIGIR 2020】

2 Conclusion

       This study explores the dynamic meaning of items in realworld scenarios and propose a novel next-item recommendation framework empowered by sequential hypergraphs to incorporate the short-term item correlations for dynamic item embedding. With the stacking of hypergraph convolution networks, a residual gating and the fusion layer, the proposed model is able to provide more accurate modeling of user preferences, leading to improved performance compared to the state-of-the-art in predicting user’s next action for both ecommerce (Amazon and Etsy) and information sharing platform (Goodreads).

3 Good Sentences

        1、A critical issue is how items are treated in such models. Specifically, for a certain time period in next-item recommendation, we adopt the view that the meaning of an item can be revealed by the correlations defined by user interactions in the short term.(The most important problem of this study wants to solve)
        2、However, it is non-trivial to extract expressive item semantics the item-correlation hypergraph. On the one hand, the item correlations encoded by the hyperedges are no longer dyadic (pairwise), but rather triadic, tetradic or of a higher-order,on the other hand, the item semantics could propagate over multiple hops.(Why choose HyperGraph to connect character of users and items)
        3、In summary, relationships between items are changing from the long-term perspective, leading to the change in the semantic meanings of items. Thus we are motivated to exploit the short-term correlations between items while modeling their dynamic patterns for next-item recommendation.(The motivation of this study)






        使用集合U来表示N个用户,集合I来表示P个items,集合Q来表示不同的时间戳T,每个t相当于一段period,对于每个用户,按照时间顺序对用户u与之交互的项目列表进行排序,比如L^u=\left \{ \left ( i^u_1,t_1^u \right ),\left ( i^u_2,t_2^u \right ).....\left ( i^u_{|L^u|},t_{|L^u|}^u \right ) \right \}        ,每个小括号表示t时刻用户u与item i进行了交互。项目以一组静态潜在嵌入E=[e_1,e_2.....e_p]开始,其中每一个都是与项目ID相关联的可训练嵌入,但是对于不同用户在不同时间戳不变,下一个项目推荐的目标是预测𝑢在L_u之后会感兴趣的项目。

Sequential Hypergraphs 


        Short-term Hypergraphs:

                为了捕捉不同时间段的项目相关性,可以基于时间戳将用户-项目交互分成多个子集。G=\left \{ G^{t_1} ,G^{t_2}......G^{t_Q}\right \}代表一系列的超图,而G^{t_n}=\left \{ V^{t_n},\varepsilon ^{t_n},W^{t_n},H^{t_n} \right \}是基于时间段t_n内发生的所有用户-项目交互而构建,V属于I,是节点集,代表时间段内的交互items,\varepsilon属于U,是超边集,代表时间段内交互的users。H是V和\varepsilon的关联矩阵,当超边与节点相关联的时候,H=1否则H=0,W_{\varepsilon \varepsilon }是代表超边\varepsilon权重的对角矩阵。D和B分别代表节点和超边的度矩阵。

Hypergraph Convolution Network (HGCN):看这个[1901.08150] Hypergraph Convolution and Hypergraph Attention (arxiv.org)

简单来说, 超图上的卷积操作可以定义如下:


f(\cdot )表示一个超图卷积层用它的一跳邻居更新每个节点的操作。

Residual Gating:



Dynamic User Modeling

       Short-term User Intent:


        Fusion Layer       





Preference Prediction:


最终损失函数:,𝛿是Sigmoid函数,||\theta ||^2代表L2范式,λ是权重。


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