
1. 简介

Compiling is the act of turning source code into object code. Linking is the act of combining object code with libraries into a raw executable. Building is the sequence composed of compiling and linking, with possibly other tasks such as installer creation.


The GNU make utility, which determines automatically which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled, and issues the commands to recompile them.

GNU make 实用程序,它自动确定需要重新编译大型程序的哪些部分,并发出重新编译它们的命令。

make 是C语言的项目最常用的构建build)工具。实际上,任何只要某个文件有变化,就要重新构建的项目,都可以用 make 构建。

You need a file called a makefile to tell make what to do. Most often, the makefile tells make how to compile and link a program.

你需要一个名为 makefile 的文件来告诉make该做什么。通常,makefile 会告诉make 如何编译链接程序。

2. 基本书写规则


target … : prerequisites …
  1. target 通常是由程序生成的文件的名称;目标的示例是可执行文件 .out 或对象文件 .o。目标也可以是要执行的操作的名称(phony target,伪目标),例如 clean
  2. prerequisites(前置条件)是一个用作创建目标的输入的文件。一个目标通常依赖于多个 .c.h 文件。
  3. recipe 是一种执行的动作。一个 recipe 可能有多个命令,可以在同一行上,也可以在各自的行上。每个recipe行的开头都是一个制表符 <tab>



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