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<h1>Accordion Gallery</h1>
<div class="accordion">
  <!-- 在这里我们需要复制5个一样的代码,并修改内容 -->
    <li tabindex="1">
        <a href="#">
          <p>The harder the crust is baked, the stronger the flavor and texture of the bread inside.</p>

    <li tabindex="2">
        <a href="#">
         <h2>Cup Cake</h2>
         <p>Cupcake is a dessert.</p>

    <li tabindex="3">
        <a href="#">
          <h2>Chocolate Cake</h2>
          <p>It is commonly used in birthday parties and weddings and is one of the common desserts.</p>

    <li tabindex="4">
        <a href="#">
          <h2>Light Food</h2>
          <p>The cooking method of food materials is simple, and the original nutrition and taste of food materials are retained.</p>

    <li tabindex="5">
        <a href="#">
          <p>Sashimi refers to raw fish and other things, dipped in seasoning directly edible fish dishes.</p>

    <li tabindex="6">
        <a href="#">
          <h2>Xaman Beer</h2>
          <p>Guatemalan handcrafted Xaman beer bottle.</p>
<p class="about">
  By <a href="https://Lavender-z.github.io/">橘子</a>
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