
--partition by range
    age int not null,
    city varchar not null
create table t01_r1 partition of t01 for values from (MINVALUE) to (10);
create table t01_r2 partition of t01 for values from (11) to (20);
create table t01_r3 partition of t01 for values from (21) to (30);
create table t01_r4 partition of t01 for values from (31) to (MAXVALUE);

create table public.student(
id int,
citycode char(6),
startdate timestamp
partition by range(startdate);
create table public.student_p1 partition of student for values from ('2007-01-01') to ('2007-03-31');
create table public.student_p2 partition of student for values from ('2007-04-01') to ('2007-06-30');
create table public.student_p3 partition of student default;

--partition by list
create table public.student(
id int,
citycode char(6)
partition by list (citycode);
create table public.student_p1 partition of student for values in ('110000');
create table public.student_p2 partition of student for values in ('120000');
create table public.student_p3 partition of student for values in ('130000');
create table public.student_p4 partition of student default;

--partition by hash
create table public.student(
id int,
citycode char(6),
startdate timestamp
partition by hash(id);
create table public.student_p1 partition of student for values with(modulus 4,remainder 0);
create table public.student_p2 partition of student for values with(modulus 4,remainder 1);
create table public.student_p3 partition of student for values with(modulus 4,remainder 2);
create table public.student_p4 partition of student for values with(modulus 4,remainder 3);

explain select * from student where id=1;

show constraint_exclusion;
set constraint_exclusion=partition;


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