




2024/03/24        天气阴        一点不冷

        1.It's time to go、Spring is coming!

        2. It's a nice day that staying with friends in a peaceful park,taking、enjoying、playing...

        3.I'm lucky enough to get an interview this week,it includes two parts,written test and interrview, it's not difficult to finish writing in one hour ,there is some details about it,  8 tests altogether,including SQL,altorighm and translation with English,Above all,it costs 50 minutes to do it and passed it

        However there is some not right answers told by interviewer during interviewing and not performing well but i've got many experience from it still,i'll share them one day !

        4.Raining day ! Spring is coming really i realized when heared the thunder last night,it's time to get my T-shirts ready!

        5.It' all ! See you next week



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