


  • Language 语言检查
  • Copilot 段落重写、大纲生成
  • Synonyms 同义词替换
  • Translate 翻译
  • Consistency checks 术语一致性检查


注册之后会询问职业,然后就会进入创作界面,初次进入,还有功能提示界面,点击【Check Language】,下方会自动出现测试文本,相当于是个入门教程,下面就把这个入门流程说一下。


输入框中的文本,会自动用双下划线标出语言问题,并且窗口右侧会列举出每个句子的修改意见,当鼠标光标移动到某个句子时,右侧句子栏也会展开对应的句子,并给出修改方案,点击【Accept all】将允许所有修改;点击【Reject all】则会拒绝所有修改。


Quest created by the growing need for sustainable energy in Turkey has started to highlight the various renewable energy needs.

The questQuest created by the growing need for sustainable energy in Turkey has highlightedstarted to highlight the various renewable energy needs.


在完成语言检查之后,点击【Try Rewrite】,选中文本之后,右下角会出现一个闪电的图标->【Paraphrase】,则右侧会生成重新书写的段落内容。其修改结果如下;会将第一段修改为第二段。

Quest created by the growing need for sustainable energy in Turkey has started to highlight the various renewable energy needs. This creates the need for nuclear energy of the first actors to trigger the global and technological development as well as establishing and operating direction of the well has now started to be observed to make a functional form that can spread the form of energy production.

The increasing demand for sustainable energy in Turkey has brought to light the diverse requirements for renewable energy sources. Consequently, there is a growing need for nuclear energy to act as a catalyst for global and technological advancements while establishing and operating the necessary infrastructure to promote energy production in a wider scope.


点击【Generate an outline】,右侧会出现大纲生成的参数设置面板,点击【generate】按钮,则生成内容如下

Physical science is a broad field that encompasses various branches of science, including physics, chemistry, and astronomy.

Topic Importance:
Understanding the fundamental principles of physical science is crucial for advancing our knowledge of the natural world and developing new technologies.

Existing Knowledge:
Previous research in physical science has led to significant advancements in our understanding of the universe, including the development of the theory of relativity and the periodic table of elements.

Knowledge Gap:
Despite these advancements, there are still many unanswered questions and gaps in our understanding of physical science, particularly in the areas of dark matter and dark energy.

Addressing these knowledge gaps is essential for furthering our understanding of the universe and developing new technologies that can improve our lives.
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