


2701. 连续递增交易



字段名 类型
transaction_id int
customer_id int
transaction_date date
amount int
  • transaction_id 是该表的主键。
  • 每行包含有关交易的信息,包括唯一的 (customer_id, transaction_date),以及相应的 customer_id 和 amount。


编写一个 SQL 查询,找出至少连续三天 amount 递增的客户。

并包括 customer_id 、连续交易期的起始日期和结束日期。


返回结果并按照 customer_id 升序 排列。



Transactions 表:

transaction_id customer_id transaction_date amount
1 101 2023-05-01 100
2 101 2023-05-02 150
3 101 2023-05-03 200
4 102 2023-05-01 50
5 102 2023-05-03 100
6 102 2023-05-04 200
7 105 2023-05-01 100
8 105 2023-05-02 150
9 105 2023-05-03 200
10 105 2023-05-04 300
11 105 2023-05-12 250
12 105 2023-05-13 260
13 105 2023-05-14 270


customer_id consecutive_start consecutive_end
101 2023-05-01 2023-05-03
105 2023-05-01 2023-05-04
105 2023-05-12 2023-05-14


  • customer_id 为 101 的客户在 2023年5月1日 至 2023年5月3日 期间进行了连续递增金额的交易。
  • customer_id 为 102 的客户没有至少连续三天的交易。
  • customer_id 为 105 的客户有两组连续交易:从 2023年5月1日 至 2023年5月4日,以及 2023年5月12日 至 2023年5月14日。
  • 结果按 customer_id 升序排序



2、使用 lag 窗口函数数据往后推,往后推之后第一条数据默认值设为0保证有值,由此来判断交易金额递增。
3、将金额差值负数两种情况的数据剔除(因为存在 1,-1,1,1 的情况第二位不能剔除,我们需要把 -1,-1,1 将第一位剔除,-1,1,-1 将第一位剔除),并将序号标上。
5、我们只需要根据不同客户和交易时间减去序号天数进行分组,然后查询数量是大于等于3的数据,开始时间(因为存在两种情况 1,1,-1,1,1 和 1,-1,1,1,等下还需进行处理),结束时间直接用开始时间加数量减1天数去推算就行

with tmp as (
    select *, 
           row_number() over(partition by customer_id order by transaction_date) AS rn
    from Transactions
), tmp2 as (
    select customer_id,
           amount - lag(amount, 1, 0) over(partition by customer_id, date_sub(transaction_date, interval rn day) order by transaction_date) AS diffAmount
    from tmp
), tmp3 as (
    select customer_id,
           row_number() over(partition by customer_id order by transaction_date) AS rn
    from tmp
    where not exists (
        select customer_id, transaction_date
        from tmp2
        where customer_id = tmp.customer_id
        and transaction_date = tmp.transaction_date
        and diffAmount < 0
        and (
            not exists (
                select * 
                from tmp2 
                where customer_id = tmp.customer_id 
                and transaction_date in(date_add(tmp.transaction_date, interval 1 day))
                and diffAmount > 0 
            ) OR not exists(
                select * 
                from tmp2 
                where customer_id = tmp.customer_id 
                and transaction_date in(date_add(tmp.transaction_date, interval 1 day))
                and diffAmount < 0
                UNION ALL
                select * 
                from tmp2 
                where customer_id = tmp.customer_id 
                and transaction_date in(date_add(tmp.transaction_date, interval 2 day))
                and diffAmount > 0
), tmp4 as (
    select customer_id,
           row_number() over(partition by customer_id, date_sub(transaction_date, interval rn day) order by transaction_date) AS rn
    from tmp3
), tmp5 as (
    select customer_id, 
           transaction_date AS consecutive_start, 
           date_add(transaction_date, interval count(*)-1 day) AS consecutive_end,
           count(*) AS num
    from tmp4
    group by customer_id, date_sub(transaction_date, interval rn day)
    having count(*) >= 3
select tmp5.customer_id, max(if(tmp2.diffAmount<0, tmp2.transaction_date, tmp5.consecutive_start)) AS consecutive_start, tmp5.consecutive_end
from tmp5, tmp2
where tmp2.customer_id = tmp5.customer_id 
and tmp2.transaction_date in (date_add(tmp5.consecutive_start, interval 1 day) , date_add(tmp5.consecutive_start, interval 2 day) )
group by 1, 3


1、确定其下一个日期金额 > 当前日期的行
2、利用 [当前日期-分组row_number]分连续日期的组 date_group
3、组内数据超过 2 条则为满足至少连续 3 天(因为最后一条日期关联不到下一个日期,在一开始就过滤掉了),然后给 max 日期+1

select customer_id,
       min(transaction_date) as consecutive_start,
       date_add(max(transaction_date), interval 1 day) as consecutive_end
from (
    select customer_id,
           date_sub(transaction_date, interval row_number() over(partition by customer_id order by transaction_date) day) as date_group
    from (
        select t1.customer_id,
        from Transactions t1
        left join Transactions t2 on t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id and t1.transaction_date = date_sub(t2.transaction_date, interval 1 day)   
        where t1.amount < t2.amount
    ) a   
) b
group by customer_id,
having count(customer_id) >= 2
order by customer_id


# table1用于筛选出连续日期
with table1 as (
    select *,
           datediff(transaction_date, '1970-01-01') - row_number() over (partition by customer_id order by transaction_date) flag
    from transactions
# table2用于筛选出table1条件下的连续递增标志
table2 as (
    select *,
           if(amount > lag(amount, 1, amount) over (partition by customer_id, flag order by transaction_date), 1, 0) isInc
    from table1
# table3用于筛选出table2条件下的连续日期
table3 as (
    select *,
           datediff(transaction_date, '1970-01-01') - row_number() over (partition by customer_id, flag order by transaction_date) newFlag
    from table2
    where isInc = 1
select customer_id,
       # 因为判断递增是比较上一条,则默认递增时第一条忽略,所以这里减一,同时下面having里为2
       min(transaction_date) - interval 1 day consecutive_start,
       max(transaction_date)                  consecutive_end
from table3
group by customer_id, newFlag
having count(*) >= 2
order by customer_id;


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