Chapter 1 - 2. Introduction to Congestion in Storage Networks

File Storage

File-level access abstracts block-level details and presents storage to an application or operating system in the form of files and directories. As a result, files can be directly accessed without being aware of the logical address of data on the storage media. 文件级访问抽象了块级细节,并以文件和目录的形式向应用程序或操作系统展示存储。因此,可以直接访问文件,而无需了解存储介质上数据的逻辑地址。

The key protocols for accessing remote file storage are Network File System (NFS) and Server Message Block (SMB). These protocols use TCP or UDP transport over an Ethernet network for accessing network-attached storage (NAS). 访问远程文件存储的主要协议是网络文件系统(NFS)和服务器消息块(SMB)。这些协议在以太网上使用 TCP UDP 传输,用于访问网络附加存储(NAS)。

A variant of SMB called SMB Direct uses an RDMA-capable protocol over a supported transport. Likewise, NFS over RDMA uses an RDMA-capable protocol for accessing a remote NAS device. 名为 SMB Direct SMB 变体通过支持的传输使用 RDMA 协议。同样,RDMA 上的 NFS 使用支持 RDMA 的协议访问远程 NAS 设备。

File storage is commonly used for document sharing, clustered databases, storing video and audio files, or anything else that classifies as a file. 文件存储通常用于文件共享、集群数据库、视频和音频文件存储或其他任何可归类为文件的用途。

Object Storage

Object storage is accessed by a handle, called an Object ID or a URL. All the other underlying details of the storage media are abstracted by an Object Storage Device (OSD). These objects are not changed in place. For making changes, a new version of the object is created instead. Because of the use of URLs, there is no need to mount a volume (as with block storage) or file system (as with file storage). 对象存储通过一个句柄(称为对象


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