Chapter 1 - 3. Introduction to Congestion in Storage Networks


Ethernet is the most common network type across all kinds of data centers across the world. It belongs to layer 1 (physical layer) and layer 2 (link layer) in the OSI model (Figure 1-2). Ethernet makes the foundation for the upper layer protocols such as IP, UDP, and TCP, which further transport many types of storage protocols. 以太网是全球各类数据中心最常见的网络类型。它属于 OSI 模型中的第 1 层(物理层)和第 2 层(链路层)(图 1-2)。以太网为 IPUDP TCP 等上层协议奠定了基础,而 IPUDP TCP 则进一步传输多种类型的存储协议。

End devices connect to an Ethernet network using Network Interface Cards (NICs). This book uses GbE (Gigabit Ethernet) as a suffix to refer to various Ethernet speeds, such as 10 GbE and 25 GbE. 终端设备使用网络接口卡(NIC)连接到以太网网络。本书使用 GbE(千兆以太网)作为后缀来指代各种以太网速度,如 10 GbE 25 GbE

Fibre Channel (FC)

Fibre Channel is the most common type of network for transporting SCSI and NVMe protocols for accessing remote block storage. As Figure 1-2 shows, it has dedicated layers for physical interface (FC-0), encoding and decoding (FC-1), framing (FC-2), network services (FC-3), and transporting upper layer protocols (FC-4). While this entire stack is referred to as Fibre Channel, at FC-4 layer, Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) provides mapping to the Upper Layer Protocols (ULP), such as SCSI and NVMe. 光纤通道是最常见的网络类型,用于传输 SCSI


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