Euler angles and Quaterean

  • what is Euler angles ?(欧拉角是什么东西?)

  • The Euler angles are three angles introduced by Leonhard Euler to describe the orientation of a rigid body with respect to a fixed coordinate system (被欧拉引入用三个角度来描述刚体相对于固定参考系的旋转)

  • Euler angles are typically denoted as α, β, γ, or ψ, θ, φ. Different authors may use different sets of rotation axes to define Euler angles, or different names for the same angles. Therefore, any discussion employing Euler angles should always be preceded by their definition.

使用欧拉角推导旋转的过程 要注意两个对应点向量在旋转平面内始终垂直。

why is quaternion ?



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