

🌈个人主页: Aileen_0v0
🔥热门专栏: 华为鸿蒙系统学习|计算机网络|数据结构与算法|MySQL|

be available to sb.可用,可供


text-align: [值] ;
  • 常用取值
    • center :居中对齐
    • left :左对齐
    • riight :右对齐


text-decoration: [值] ;
  • 常用取值
    • underline 下划线
    • none 啥都没有,可以给a标签去掉下划线
    • overline 上划线
    • line-through 删除线
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            /* 也可以写成text-indent: 2em; */

            /* 给文本添加下划线 */
            text-decoration: underline;

        a {
            text-decoration: none;

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Veniam inventore illo ea ratione qui, numquam sequi iste! Quis sed tempora sit, ea architecto ipsam dolores neque earum id amet voluptates.
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行高 = 上边距 + 下边距 + 字体大小

line-height: [值] ;
<!DOCTYPE html>
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            text-decoration: overline;
        h2 {
            text-align: center;
            text-decoration: line-through;
        h3 {
            text-align: right;

        p {
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            /* 也可以写成text-indent: 2em; */

            /* 给文本添加下划线 */
            text-decoration: underline;
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        a {
            text-decoration: none;

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Veniam inventore illo ea ratione qui, numquam sequi iste! Quis sed tempora sit, ea architecto ipsam dolores neque earum id amet voluptates.
    <a href="#">不跳转</a>




        .picture {
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        <img src="calyx_building.png" alt="Load Fail" width="200px" />
        <img src="Ye_Jianying_Memorial_Hall.png" alt="Load Fail" width="200px" />
        <img src="Hakka_Museum.png" alt="Load Fail" width="200px" />
        <img src="Yuankui_Pagoda.png" alt="Load Fail" width="200px" />
        <img src="Meizhou.gif" alt="Load Fail" width="400px" />





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  2. iOS 更改button文字图片位置

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  3. 在Django里面运行非项目文件

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  4. Python语言-面向对象

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