英语听力 3.11

a friend of mine helped me out

you should offer to help

i love animals

when you woke up ,the sun was rising

when he woke up ,the sun was rising

why dont u sit down and communicate with your brother?

what can i do?

with no loud oustide it felt like midnight

with no light oustide it felt like midnight

most people were never think about this

most people would never think about this

the weather is beautiful today

at home i was a few lonely and nervous

at home i always feel  lonely and nervous

so what were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm

realtionship between my parents have become difficult

relations between my parents have become difficult

everyone in the laberhood was busy

everyone in the neighborhood was busy

it is not  enough to just  get good grades at school

my problem is that i cant get along with  my family.

my problem is that i cant get on  with  my family.


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