【frp】新版本 frp 参考配置分享


使用 frp 把公司内部的 nextcloud 网盘可以外网访问,nextcloud 中有部分视频,如果查看经过 frps 的服务器需要流量比较大,frp 支持通过 xtcp 协议支持 p2p ,点对点访问不占用服务器流量。 公司内部的 nextcloud 网盘需要给多人使用,需要配置每个人的链接账号。frp 0.52.0 版本后,取消了原有 INI 配置文件,改为 TOML 新格式。新的配置文件格式如下:

frps 端完整配置

# A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed
# in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80"
# For single "bind_addr" field, no need square brackets, like "bind_addr = ::".
bindAddr = ""
bindPort = 7000

# udp port used for kcp protocol, it can be same with 'bind_port'.
# if not set, kcp is disabled in frps.
kcpBindPort = 7000

# udp port used for quic protocol.
# if not set, quic is disabled in frps.
# quicBindPort = 7002

# Specify which address proxy will listen for, default value is same with bind_addr
# proxy_bind_addr = ""

# quic protocol options
# transport.quic.keepalivePeriod = 10
# transport.quic.maxIdleTimeout = 30
# transport.quic.maxIncomingStreams = 100000

# Heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
# The default value of heartbeat_timeout is 90. Set negative value to disable it.
# transport.heartbeatTimeout = 90

# Pool count in each proxy will keep no more than maxPoolCount.
transport.maxPoolCount = 5

# If tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true
# transport.tcpMux = true

# Specify keep alive interval for tcp mux.
# only valid if tcpMux is true.
# transport.tcpMuxKeepaliveInterval = 60

# tcpKeepalive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps.
# If negative, keep-alive probes are disabled.
# transport.tcpKeepalive = 7200

# transport.tls.force specifies whether to only accept TLS-encrypted connections. By default, the value is false.
tls.force = false

# transport.tls.certFile = "server.crt"
# transport.tls.keyFile = "server.key"
# transport.tls.trustedCaFile = "ca.crt"

# If you want to support virtual host, you must set the http port for listening (optional)
# Note: http port and https port can be same with bind_port
vhostHTTPPort = 80
vhostHTTPSPort = 443

# Response header timeout(seconds) for vhost http server, default is 60s
# vhostHTTPTimeout = 60

# tcpmuxHTTPConnectPort specifies the port that the server listens for TCP
# HTTP CONNECT requests. If the value is 0, the server will not multiplex TCP
# requests on one single port. If it's not - it will listen on this value for
# HTTP CONNECT requests. By default, this value is 0.
# tcpmuxHTTPConnectPort = 1337

# If tcpmux_passthrough is true, frps won't do any update on traffic.
# tcpmuxPassthrough = false

# Configure the web server to enable the dashboard for frps.
# dashboard is available only if webServer.port is set.
webServer.addr = ""
webServer.port = 7500
webServer.user = "admin"
webServer.password = "admin"
# webServer.tls.certFile = "server.crt"
# webServer.tls.keyFile = "server.key"
# dashboard assets directory(only for debug mode)
# webServer.assetsDir = "./static"

# Enable golang pprof handlers in dashboard listener.
# Dashboard port must be set first
webServer.pprofEnable = false

# enablePrometheus will export prometheus metrics on webServer in /metrics api.
enablePrometheus = true

# console or real logFile path like ./frps.log
log.to = "./frps.log"
# trace, debug, info, warn, error
log.level = "info"
log.maxDays = 3
# disable log colors when log.to is console, default is false
log.disablePrintColor = false

# DetailedErrorsToClient defines whether to send the specific error (with debug info) to frpc. By default, this value is true.
detailedErrorsToClient = true

# auth.method specifies what authentication method to use authenticate frpc with frps.
# If "token" is specified - token will be read into login message.
# If "oidc" is specified - OIDC (Open ID Connect) token will be issued using OIDC settings. By default, this value is "token".
auth.method = "token"

# auth.additionalScopes specifies additional scopes to include authentication information.
# Optional values are HeartBeats, NewWorkConns.
# auth.additionalScopes = ["HeartBeats", "NewWorkConns"]

# auth token
auth.token = "12345678"

# oidc issuer specifies the issuer to verify OIDC tokens with.
auth.oidc.issuer = ""
# oidc audience specifies the audience OIDC tokens should contain when validated.
auth.oidc.audience = ""
# oidc skipExpiryCheck specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token is expired.
auth.oidc.skipExpiryCheck = false
# oidc skipIssuerCheck specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token's issuer claim matches the issuer specified in OidcIssuer.
auth.oidc.skipIssuerCheck = false

# userConnTimeout specifies the maximum time to wait for a work connection.
# userConnTimeout = 10

# Only allow frpc to bind ports you list. By default, there won't be any limit.


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