openssl3.2 - 官方demo学习 - encode - rsa_encode.c

openssl3.2 - 官方demo学习 - encode - rsa_encode.c


上次学习官方demo - rsa_encode.c 时, 程序要在UI上输入东西, 不知道输入啥, 就先放着.
现在需要非对称加解密的例子, rsa_encode.c就是相关的demo, 必须搞懂啊.
现在回过头来再看, 挺简单的.
估计当时几百个demo摆在哪里, 太着急了. 内心必须平静才能将事情做好:P

功能 :
如果给出输出的口令, 可以导出公私钥对.
不过, 谁也不会直接导出私钥(知道可以从私钥数据中导出私钥, 有这么回事就行).

官方demo设计是在linux下用的, 用管道来输入要操作的私钥数据.
在windows下运行, 还是用文件方便一些. 改了一下, 用命令行来输入私钥数据文件名.

试了一下, 好使, 可以从私钥数据中导出公钥数据.


\file rsa_encode.c
\note openssl3.2 - 官方demo学习 - encode - rsa_encode.c

命令行参数 - THE_EXE priv_key.pem pwd_for_the_pem
功能 - 导出公钥并打印到UI(stdout)
备注 - 官方程序原来是在linux下用管道输入的私钥数据, 现在改为从文件输入.

 * Copyright 2022-2023 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License").  You may not use
 * this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
 * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at

#include <string.h>
#include <openssl/decoder.h>
#include <openssl/encoder.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>

#include "my_openSSL_lib.h"

  * Example showing the encoding and decoding of RSA public and private keys. A
  * PEM-encoded RSA key is read in from stdin, decoded, and then re-encoded and
  * output for demonstration purposes. Both public and private keys are accepted.
  * This can be used to load RSA keys from a file or save RSA keys to a file.

  /* A property query used for selecting algorithm implementations. */
static const char* propq = NULL;

 * Load a PEM-encoded RSA key from a file, optionally decrypting it with a
 * supplied passphrase.
static EVP_PKEY* load_key(OSSL_LIB_CTX* libctx, FILE* f, const char* passphrase)
	int ret = 0;
	EVP_PKEY* pkey = NULL;
	int selection = 0;

	 * Create PEM decoder context expecting an RSA key.
	 * For raw (non-PEM-encoded) keys, change "PEM" to "DER".
	 * The selection argument here specifies whether we are willing to accept a
	 * public key, private key, or either. If it is set to zero, either will be
	 * accepted. If set to EVP_PKEY_KEYPAIR, a private key will be required, and
	 * if set to EVP_PKEY_PUBLIC_KEY, a public key will be required.
	dctx = OSSL_DECODER_CTX_new_for_pkey(&pkey, "PEM", NULL, "RSA",
		libctx, propq);
	if (dctx == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "OSSL_DECODER_CTX_new_for_pkey() failed\n");
		goto cleanup;

	 * Set passphrase if provided; needed to decrypt encrypted PEM files.
	 * If the input is not encrypted, any passphrase provided is ignored.
	 * Alternative methods for specifying passphrases exist, such as a callback
	 * (see OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_passphrase_cb(3)), which may be more useful for
	 * interactive applications which do not know if a passphrase should be
	 * prompted for in advance, or for GUI applications.
	if (passphrase != NULL) {
		if (OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_passphrase(dctx,
			(const unsigned char*)passphrase,
			strlen(passphrase)) == 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "OSSL_DECODER_CTX_set_passphrase() failed\n");
			goto cleanup;

	/* Do the decode, reading from file. */
	if (OSSL_DECODER_from_fp(dctx, f) == 0) { // 如果f是stdin, 就需要自己输入私钥内容, 所以函数入参的f必须是一个实际文件的FILE*
		fprintf(stderr, "OSSL_DECODER_from_fp() failed\n");
		goto cleanup;

	ret = 1;

	 * pkey is created by OSSL_DECODER_CTX_new_for_pkey, but we
	 * might fail subsequently, so ensure it's properly freed
	 * in this case.
	if (ret == 0) {
		pkey = NULL;

	return pkey;

 * Store an RSA public or private key to a file using PEM encoding.
 * If a passphrase is supplied, the file is encrypted, otherwise
 * it is unencrypted.
static int store_key(EVP_PKEY* pkey, FILE* f, const char* passphrase)
	int ret = 0;
	int selection;

	 * Create a PEM encoder context.
	 * For raw (non-PEM-encoded) output, change "PEM" to "DER".
	 * The selection argument controls whether the private key is exported
	 * (EVP_PKEY_KEYPAIR), or only the public key (EVP_PKEY_PUBLIC_KEY). The
	 * former will fail if we only have a public key.
	 * Note that unlike the decode API, you cannot specify zero here.
	 * Purely for the sake of demonstration, here we choose to export the whole
	 * key if a passphrase is provided and the public key otherwise.

	// 如果给出口令, 就导出公私钥对;
	// 如果不给口令, 就只导出公钥
	// 实际应用中, 我们就只有导出公钥的需求
	selection = (passphrase != NULL)

	ectx = OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_new_for_pkey(pkey, selection, "PEM", NULL, propq);
	if (ectx == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_new_for_pkey() failed\n");
		goto cleanup;

	 * Set passphrase if provided; the encoded output will then be encrypted
	 * using the passphrase.
	 * Alternative methods for specifying passphrases exist, such as a callback
	 * (see OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_set_passphrase_cb(3), just as for OSSL_DECODER_CTX;
	 * however you are less likely to need them as you presumably know whether
	 * encryption is desired in advance.
	 * Note that specifying a passphrase alone is not enough to cause the
	 * key to be encrypted. You must set both a cipher and a passphrase.
	if (passphrase != NULL) {
		/* Set cipher. AES-128-CBC is a reasonable default. */
		if (OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_set_cipher(ectx, "AES-128-CBC", propq) == 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_set_cipher() failed\n");
			goto cleanup;

		/* Set passphrase. */
		if (OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_set_passphrase(ectx,
			(const unsigned char*)passphrase,
			strlen(passphrase)) == 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "OSSL_ENCODER_CTX_set_passphrase() failed\n");
			goto cleanup;

	/* Do the encode, writing to the given file. */
	if (OSSL_ENCODER_to_fp(ectx, f) == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "OSSL_ENCODER_to_fp() failed\n");
		goto cleanup;

	ret = 1;
	return ret;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
	OSSL_LIB_CTX* _ossl_lib_ctx = NULL;
	EVP_PKEY* _evp_pkey = NULL;
	const char* passphrase_in = NULL, * passphrase_out = NULL;

	const char* pszFilePathName = NULL;
	FILE* fp = NULL;

	/* usage: rsa_encode rsa_priv_key.PEM <passphrase-in> <passphrase-out> */
	if (argc > 1)
		pszFilePathName = argv[1];
		fp = fopen(pszFilePathName, "rb");
		if (NULL == fp)
			goto cleanup;

	if (argc > 2 && argv[2][0])
		passphrase_in = argv[2];

	if (argc > 3 && argv[3][0])
		passphrase_out = argv[3];

	/* Decode PEM key from stdin and then PEM encode it to stdout. */
	_evp_pkey = load_key(_ossl_lib_ctx, fp, passphrase_in);
	if (_evp_pkey == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to decode key\n");
		goto cleanup;

	if (store_key(_evp_pkey, stdout, passphrase_out) == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to encode key\n");
		goto cleanup;

	if (NULL != fp)
		fp = NULL;

	return ret;



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