【力扣 - 二叉树的直径】


给你一棵二叉树的根节点,返回该树的 直径 。
二叉树的 直径 是指树中任意两个节点之间最长路径的 长度 。这条路径可能经过也可能不经过根节点 root 。
两节点之间路径的 长度 由它们之间边数表示。


树中节点数目在范围 [1, 10000]

-100 <= Node.val <= 100


 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * struct TreeNode {
 *     int val;
 *     struct TreeNode *left;
 *     struct TreeNode *right;
 * };
int maxLen(struct TreeNode* root)
    if(root == NULL)
        return 0; // Base case: return 0 if the current node is NULL
    int leftLen;
    int rightLen;
    // Calculate the maximum path length of the left subtree
    leftLen = maxLen(root->left) + 1;
    // Calculate the maximum path length of the right subtree
    rightLen = maxLen(root->right) + 1;
    // Return the maximum of the left and right path lengths
    return leftLen > rightLen ? leftLen : rightLen;

int Traversal(struct TreeNode* root)
    if(root == NULL)
        return INT_MIN; // Return minimum integer value if the current node is NULL
    int diameter = INT_MIN; // Initialize diameter to minimum integer value
    // Calculate the diameter passing through the current node
    diameter = maxLen(root->left) + maxLen(root->right);
    // Update diameter with the maximum of diameter, left subtree traversal, and right subtree traversal
    diameter = fmax(diameter, Traversal(root->left));
    diameter = fmax(diameter, Traversal(root->right));
    return diameter; // Return the final diameter value

int diameterOfBinaryTree(struct TreeNode* root)
    // Post-order traversal to calculate the diameter of the binary tree
    return Traversal(root);



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