Open CASCADE学习|布尔运算后消除内部拓扑






This tool tries to unify faces and edges of the shape which lies on the same geometry. Faces/edges considering as 'same-domain' if a group of neighbouring faces/edges lying on coincident surfaces/curves. In this case these faces/edges can be unified into one face/edge. ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain initialized by the shape and the next optional parameters: UnifyFaces - tries to unify all possible faces UnifyEdges - tries to unify all possible edges ConcatBSplines - if this flag set to true then all neighbouring edges which lays on the BSpline or Bezier curves with C1 continuity on their common vertices will be merged into one common edge The output result of tool is an unified shape All the modifications of initial shape are recorded during unifying. Method Generated() can be used to obtain the new (unified) shape from the old one.

  TopoDS_Shape fuse = BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse(bigCube, smallCube);//先融合  ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain unif(fuse , false, true, false);  unif.Build();  fuse = unif.Shape();


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