TDC - Crisis/Phobia - 4 types of Crisis

I) 4 types of Crisis

This is Albert. Albert is not the luckiest man alive.

As a little child he always get into trouble at school. He experienced what we call developmental crisis. Developmental crisis is an event in the normal flow of human growth where a dramatic change occurs.

Later in his life, he lost his job and went through a terrible divorce. That was a situational crisis which is an uncommon event that an individual has no way of predicting or controlling.

Because of these events, he went through an existential crisis and started questioning his purpose in life. This type of crisis involves inner conflicts and anxiety that accompany human issues of purpose and responsibility.

He recovered from his existential crisis and decided to traval to Thailand where a Tsunami happened a few days later. This is an eco-systemic crisis which occurs when a natural or man-made crisis overtakes a person.


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