常用的gpt-4 prompt words收集8


1. I ran into some trouble on my way to work.

  • 迟到原因

2. In my heart, the most delicious coffee is the 'Hawaii Dirty' from Manner. Only the 'Nong' series at starbucks can compare with it, but their prices differ by three times.

  • 表示喜欢

3. use React and a popular library called react-window

  • 使用React库

4. The result should only return the modified areas.

  • 只返回增量数据

5. Only return the content filled in just now.

  • 只返回空白处数据

6. When life is at its lowest, how can one turn things around?

  • 如何破局


  1. 常用gpt-4 prompt words收集8

    2024-01-27 11:02:02       26 阅读
  2. 常用gpt-4 prompt words收集4

    2024-01-27 11:02:02       31 阅读
  3. 常用gpt-4 prompt words收集3

    2024-01-27 11:02:02       26 阅读
  4. 常用gpt-4 prompt words收集5

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  5. 常用gpt-4 prompt words收集6

    2024-01-27 11:02:02       27 阅读
  6. 常用gpt-4 prompt words收集7

    2024-01-27 11:02:02       32 阅读


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