2024年1月29日 晨会汇报

1. Good morning, everyone!

2. Today, I'm excited to share updates on my recent work, which encompasses two key areas:

3. a recap of my activities last Friday and my plan for today.

4. On Friday, my primary task was to finalize the submission of the Game-Mate module.

5. I meticulously reviewed each feature to ensure functionality before submission.

6. The remainder of the day was dedicated to refining the data structures and code architecture of the modules I've been developing.

7. As for today, my agenda is shaped by whether Mr. Yao has a presentation scheduled.

8. If he does, my focus will shift to dividing the tasks allocated to me for this iteration.

9. In the absence of his presentation, I plan to dedicate my time to familiarizing myself with writing Functional Design Specifications (FDS).

10. I appreciate your attention and welcome any feedback or suggestions. Thank you!


  1. 2024129 汇报

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  2. 2024111 汇报

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  3. 20231229 报告

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  4. 202419 报告

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  5. 2024122

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  6. 2024127

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