2024年1月11日 晨会汇报

Raw report

Good morning, esteemed colleagues!

Today, my report is structured into two main segments: a summary of yesterday’s work and the work plan for today.

Yesterday, my primary focus was on the preview feature of the tutorial page. During the development process, through effective communication with fellow team members, we successfully addressed and resolved misunderstandings in our interpretations as well as certain ambiguities present in the Figma designs. As of now, this feature has reached 80% completion.

For today, my plan is to first finalize the development of the tutorial page’s preview feature. Following this, I intend to conduct thorough self-testing and, in the afternoon, submit the feature to our testing colleagues for further evaluation. Given the feature’s complexity and the need for consistency across Android and iOS platforms, I anticipate encountering a number of bugs.

This concludes my report for this morning’s meeting. I look forward to your feedback and insights. Thank you!


  • Good morning, esteemed colleagues!

  • Today, I will be presenting my report in two parts: a summary of our previous day’s work and the work plan for today.

  • Yesterday, my primary focus was on [主要工作内容]. During the development/execution of this task, effective communication with fellow team members led to the successful resolution of [遇到的主要问题或挑战,例如理解差异、技术障碍等]. Currently, this task/project/feature has reached [完成的百分比或当前状态].

  • For today, my agenda includes [今天的主要工作内容]. This will involve [具体的工作步骤或计划,例如完成开发、进行测试、与团队协作等]. Given the [任务的复杂性或特殊要求,例如跨平台一致性、复杂的技术需求等], I anticipate [可能遇到的挑战,例如bug、延迟等].

-This concludes my report for today’s meeting. I look forward to your feedback and suggestions. Thank you!


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