iOS 如何使用protocol Buffers

一、Protocol buffers 是什么?

Protocol buffers are Google’s language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data – think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. You define how you want your data to be structured once, then you can use special generated source code to easily write and read your structured data to and from a variety of data streams and using a variety of languages.

Protocol buffers 是 Google 的语言中立、平台中立、可扩展的序列化结构化数据机制 - 类似于 XML,但更小、更快、更简单。您只需定义一次数据的结构化方式,然后就可以使用特殊生成的源代码,使用各种语言轻松地在各种数据流中写入和读取结构化数据。





Protocol buffers 开源并托管在Github,详见




brew install automake 
brew install libtool 
brew install protobuf


protoc --version


  1. 集成集成protobuf库
 pod 'Protobuf'
  1. 将.proto文件转换成.pbobjc.h和.pbobjc.m文件


protoc --proto_path=. --objc_out=. xxxx.proto

注意: 这里生成的.pbobjc.h和.pbobjc.m文件无法直接导入项目中使用,你会发现文件中一堆MRC的代码;

参考如下:iOS 组件中设置文件支持MRC


  1. pbModel转pbData


 * Serializes the message to an NSData.
 * If there is an error while generating the data, nil is returned.
 * @note This value is not cached, so if you are using it repeatedly, cache
 *       it yourself.
 * @note In DEBUG ONLY, the message is also checked for all required field,
 *       if one is missing, nil will be returned.
 * @return The binary representation of the message.
- (nullable NSData *)data;


NSData *pbData = [xxpbModel data];
  1. pbData转pbModel


 * Initializes an instance by parsing the data. This method should be sent to
 * the generated message class that the data should be interpreted as. If
 * there is an error the method returns nil and the error is returned in
 * errorPtr (when provided).
 * @note In DEBUG builds, the parsed message is checked to be sure all required
 *       fields were provided, and the parse will fail if some are missing.
 * @note The errors returned are likely coming from the domain and codes listed
 *       at the top of this file and GPBCodedInputStream.h.
 * @param data     The data to parse.
 * @param errorPtr An optional error pointer to fill in with a failure reason if
 *                 the data can not be parsed.
 * @return An initialized instance of the generated class.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)data 
                                error:(NSError **)errorPtr;

XXPbModel 是一个pbobjc类名

NSError *error;
XXPbModel *pbModel = [[XXPbModel alloc] initWithData:data error:&error];


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