



1.1 源码

     * Internal non-parcelable wrapper for UserInfo that is not exposed to other system apps.
     * 未公开给其他系统应用程序的UserInfo的内部不可分组包装。
    static class UserData {
        // Basic user information and properties    基本用户信息和属性
        UserInfo info;
        // Account name used when there is a strong association between a user and an account
        // 当用户和帐户之间存在强关联时使用的帐户名
        String account;
        // Account information for seeding into a newly created user. This could also be
        // used for login validation for an existing user, for updating their credentials.
        // In the latter case, data may not need to be persisted as it is only valid for the
        // current login session.
        String seedAccountName;
        String seedAccountType;
        PersistableBundle seedAccountOptions;
        // Whether to perist the seed account information to be available after a boot
        // 是否在引导后销毁可用的种子帐户信息
        boolean persistSeedData;

        /** Elapsed realtime since boot when the user started. */ /**自用户启动后实时运行的时间*/
        long startRealtime;

        /** Elapsed realtime since boot when the user was unlocked. */ /**自用户解锁时启动以来实时运行的时间*/
        long unlockRealtime;

        private long mLastRequestQuietModeEnabledMillis;

         * {@code true} if the system should ignore errors when preparing the
         * storage directories for this user. This is {@code false} for all new
         * users; it will only be {@code true} for users that already existed
         * on-disk from an older version of Android.
        private boolean mIgnorePrepareStorageErrors;

        void setLastRequestQuietModeEnabledMillis(long millis) {
            mLastRequestQuietModeEnabledMillis = millis;

        long getLastRequestQuietModeEnabledMillis() {
            return mLastRequestQuietModeEnabledMillis;

        boolean getIgnorePrepareStorageErrors() {
            return mIgnorePrepareStorageErrors;

        void setIgnorePrepareStorageErrors() {
            mIgnorePrepareStorageErrors = true;

        void clearSeedAccountData() {
            seedAccountName = null;
            seedAccountType = null;
            seedAccountOptions = null;
            persistSeedData = false;

1.2 属性

属性 类型 含义
info UserInfo 基本用户信息和属性
account String 当用户和帐户之间存在强关联时使用的帐户名
seedAccountName String 种子账户名称
seedAccountType String 种子账户类型
seedAccountOptions PersistableBundle 种子账户选项
persistSeedData boolean 存留种子信息
startRealtime long 自用户启动后实时运行的时间
unlockRealtime long 自用户解锁时启动以来实时运行的时间
mLastRequestQuietModeEnabledMillis long 上次请求静态模式Enabled毫秒时间
mIgnorePrepareStorageErrors boolean 忽视准备存储错误

1.3 方法

方法 返回值 参数 含义
setLastRequestQuietModeEnabledMillis void long millis 设置上次请求静态模式Enabled毫秒时间为millis
getLastRequestQuietModeEnabledMillis long 返回上次请求静态模式Enabled毫秒时间
getIgnorePrepareStorageErrors boolean 返回mIgnorePrepareStorageErrors的值
setIgnorePrepareStorageErrors void 设置mIgnorePrepareStorageErrors的值为true
clearSeedAccountData void 清除种子账户信息,seedAccountName 、type、options为null, persistSeedData为false。


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