
Paraphrase & Summarize(MC)

plagiarism的类型:deliberate 和 accidental
4种方式避免plagiarism:paraphrasing, summarizing, direct quotation, indirect citation.

How to paraphrase(P78)

使用不同的词语,重新安排词的顺序,使用一个不同的sentence pattern。
(P95 Task6)不能paraphrase too closely,在选择的时候要排除掉太过接近原句的选项。并且关注转写后的信息是否增加或者减少。一般都需要改变原句的结构。Paraphrase可能比原文长。

Indirect citation

In-text citation 形式的分类
作者的姓名是否出现在了句子中:integral citation(句子中) 和 non-integral citation (句尾,括号里)
是否在引用中使用了reporting verbs:reporting citation(包含reporting verbs)和non-reporting citation(不包含reporting verbs)。

Stylistic features (MC)

Formality 正式

so -> therefore, thus anybody -> anyone a bit -> a little
限制使用 run-on expressions (and so forth, etc)

Objectivity 客观

Tip 1:diction
避免偏见:使用elderly,而不是old persons
Tip 2:voice
更多使用第三人称代词(he, she, they),避免you, yours
第一人称:避免使用 editorial we 来代表“人们”,应该明确说明subject
Tip 3:nominalisation 名词化
valid -> validity invade -> invasion


使用signaling expressions: however, but, because, since, similarly, in addition, additionally, …
citing information from others: According to XXX,
Accuracy and conciseness
Caution and tentativeness

Tense (F)

Simple present 一般现在

表达一件事情会继续是真的:We chose Vietnam for this study because it has a long coastline.
引用表格/图的时候:Table 3 shows that the main cause of …
展示结论的时候(conclusion section):These results suggest that …

Simple past 一般过去

描述方法(methodology section)或者汇报结果(result section): Ten students were selected to participate in …
引用先前研究者的工作的时候/一些过去的还没被普遍接受的结果:Smith (2008) showed that adult respondents remembered 30 percent more than children.

Present perfect 现在完成

A great deal of research has been conducted on the basic techniques of nuclear transfer, but few …
Researchers have investigated many areas, such as the …
在陈述结果的时候(We found that 后面的内容),可以用一般过去时,也可以一般现在(结果很strong,可以被看成是facts或者truths)。


  1. Title (MC)


两种方式来分类标题:by content & by syntactic structure

  • Content based
    • declarative titles: 直接陈述研究的主要发现或结论。
    • descriptive titles: 这些标题描述文章的主题,但不透露研究的发现或结论。
    • interrogative titles:这类标题以问题的形式重述研究问题。
  • Structure based
    • nominal titles: 通常由一个或两个核心概念构成
    • compound titles: 这种标题由两部分组成,中间通过标点符号(如破折号或冒号)连接。第一部分引入主题,第二部分提供具体细节。
    • full sentence titles: 这种标题用一个完整的句子来重述研究问题。


Main theme or research topic: research design + population + geographical area

  1. Type (MC)
    structure: structured vs. unstructured
    content: descriptive vs. informative
    descriptive 的摘要更加简短,不包含 results 和 methodology,常用于case reports和review文章; informative 的摘要包含results 和 methodology,用于original work。
  2. Move (F)
    Five-move 结构:BAMRI(background, aim, method, results, implication)


  1. Title (MC)

  2. Citation

Reference list (MC) an in-text (F)

Referencing的两个部分:在论文文本中的citations和在论文最后的reference list。

APA格式的 in-text citation:
(Author’s Last Name, 2015, p. 10)
Author’s Last Name (2015) sentence text here with “quote” (p. 10).
Commas between information Sentence text here (Last Name, 2015).
Sentence text here with “quote” (Author’s Last Name, 2015, p. 10)
Use p. or pp. (for multiple pages) Author’s Last Name (2015) sentence text here with “quote” (pp. 10-11)
APA格式的reference list:

3种source的类型:journal article, book, book chapter.

Citing journal articles (P90):

期刊文章的citations中包含的元素有:作者名字(姓氏),文章标题,出版年份,期刊名字(斜体),volume和issue号,文章的页码范围,获取时间(when accessed online), DOI和URL。
Author’s last name, Initial(s). (Year of publication). Title of articles. Title of Journal, Volume (Issue), Pages. DOI or URL
注意:1.期刊名斜体,标题形式; 2.文章名句子形式。

Citing book (P91):

Author’s last name, Initial(s). (Year). Book title (Editor’s/Translator’s initials, Last name, Ed. Or Trans.)(Edition), Publisher.

Citing book chapter(P91):

Author’s last name, Initials. (Year). Title of chapter. In Editor’s initials. Last name (Ed. Or Eds.), Book title (pp. page range), Publisher. DOI if available

Writing a method sentence

Writing a qualitative method statement定性

This study uses four case studies of pre-service teachers(participants) in two universities in Hong Kong(place) to provide in-depth empirical data, drawn from 60 lesson observations and a series of related interviews(data collection method), focusing on the impact of examinations on classroom pedagogy.

  • uses, involves, investigates, engages, employs + participants
  • inferred from, collected from, gathered from + data collection method
  • focusing on, centering on, concentrating on, dealing with, examining, exploring

Writing a quantitative method statement 定量

A MSLQ (Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire) questionnaire was completed by Chinese student and teachers (n=600). The MSLQ, based on the three main purpose-defined conceptions of metacognitive knowledge, was analysed with Nvivo software.

  • filled in by, instrumented with, subjected by + participants standing
  • with, resting on, found on, based on evaluated with, analysed with + data analysis


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