全志F1C100s Linux 系统编译出错:不能连接 github


Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64 位虚拟机

开发板:Lichee Pi Nano 

源代码:GitHub - florpor/licheepi-nano


该源码库使用了 git 子模块的概念,一个库中包含了 u-boot、Linux等代码库。不需要分别编译,一个 make 全搞定


>>> linux-headers b18adeb1e60bba3d6aa77e302673b38c41fd5c77 Downloading
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /home/user/sambashare/florpor/licheepi-nano/buildroot/dl/linux/git/.git/
Fetching all references
fatal: unable to connect to github.com:
github.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out

Detected a corrupted git cache.
Removing it and starting afresh.
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/sambashare/florpor/licheepi-nano/buildroot/dl/linux/git/.git/
Fetching all references
fatal: unable to connect to github.com:
github.com[0:]: errno=Con


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