
2023b的matlab,stm32f407芯片,运行内容Using the Analog to Digital Converter Block to Support STMicroelectronics STM32 Processor Based Boards

Using the Analog to Digital Converter Block to Support STMicroelectronics STM32 Processor Based Boards - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks 中国


Connecting to the target...
    错误:外部模式开放协议 Connect 命令失败
        无法连接到目标应用程序: XCP 内部错误: timeout expired, in response to XCP CONNECT command


Code Verification and Validation with PIL and Monitoring and Tuning - MATLAB & Simulink Example - MathWorks 中国

Monitor and Tuning Using STM32F746G-Discovery or STM32F769I-Discovery Board

When you are prototyping and developing algorithms, it is useful to monitor signals and tune parameters while the algorithms are running on the hardware. The Simulink Monitor & Tune feature enables this capability. The STM32F746G-Discovery and STM32F769I-Discovery boards support Monitor and Tuning over Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol (XCP).

Simulink provides these additional features for the targets that support XCP:

  • Dashboard objects such as Slider and Dashboard Scope. For more information, see Dashboard.

  • Simulation Data Inspector (SDI) for visualizing the logged signals. For more information, see Simulation Data Inspector.

The STM32F4-Discovery board does not support XCP. For information about using the STM32F4-Discovery board, see External Mode Using the STM32F4-Discovery Board.

In this task, you will run the stm32f7discovery_external_mode model.




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