基于综合特征的细菌噬菌体宿主预测工具iPHoP (Integrated Phage HOst Prediction)的介绍以及使用方法详细流程


iPHoP(Integrated Phage HOst Prediction)是一种基于综合特征的细菌噬菌体宿主预测方法。它是通过整合基因组序列、蛋白质序列和宿主基因组信息来预测细菌噬菌体的宿主范围。







iPHoP stands for integrated Phage Host Prediction. It is an automated command-line pipeline for predicting host genus of novel bacteriophages and archaeoviruses based on their genome sequences.

The pipeline can be broken down into 6 main steps:

仓库:srouxjgi / iphop — Bitbucket

文章:iPHoP: An integrated machine learning framework to maximize host prediction for metagenome-derived viruses of archaea and bacteria | PLOS Biology 


git clone https://bitbucket.org/srouxjgi/iphop.git


A: 第1步:运行单个宿主预测工具

基于噬菌体的工具: RaFAH(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patter.2021.100274):生成宿主属的预测结果及相应的评分,保存以备后续步骤5使用


B: 第2步:收集所有得分和基于宿主工具的所有命中之间的距离 * 对于两个潜在宿主(即,给定工具和查询病毒的两个匹配结果),距离是基于GTDB树(https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkab776)计算得出的。

C: 步骤3和4:为每种病毒 - 工具 - 候选宿主组合编制组织有序的命中列表 * 对于每个命中结果,将从同一病毒且使用相同工具获取的其他顶级命中结果进行汇总,并根据基线宿主与其他命中宿主之间的距离进行排序(参见步骤2)。 * 这些系列命中的结果被用作自动化分类器的输入,以推导出给定病毒 - 候选宿主对的评分。 * 这使得在评估每一个潜在宿主(每个命中结果)时,能够考虑到该病毒所获得的顶级命中结果的上下文信息。

D: 第5步:为每种病毒 - 候选宿主组合得出宿主基础工具的3个评分 * 仅基于blast或crispr匹配的顶级评分会被保留,因为这些方法本身在宿主预测上就足够可靠。 * 第三个评分通过考虑来自所有单独分类器的所有得分(参见步骤4)得出,即同时考虑所有5种宿主基础方法。

E: 第6步:计算每种病毒 - 候选宿主属组合的综合评分,整合宿主基础信号和噬菌体基础信号 * 将3个宿主基础评分(参见步骤5)与噬菌体基础评分(RaFAH - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patter.2021.100274)结合,为所有病毒 - 候选宿主属对获得一个单一的综合评分。


conda create -c conda-forge -n iphop_env python=3.8
conda activate iphop_env
mamba install -c conda-forge -c bioconda iphop

mamba没有的大家自己使用conda 安装一下就行,怎么配置conda基础环境可以参考:

轻快小miniconda3在linux下的安装配置-centos9stream-Miniconda3 Linux 64-bit_离线安装miniconde linux-CSDN博客


iphop download --db_dir path_to_iPHoP_db

# 验证

iphop download --db_dir path_to_iPHoP_db --full_verify


wget https://portal.nersc.gov/cfs/m342/iphop/db/iPHoP.latest_rw.tar.gz

tar -zxvf iPHoP.latest_rw.tar.gz



iphop predict --fa_file my_input_phages.fasta --db_dir path/to/iphop_db/Sept_2021_pub/ --out_dir iphop_output/


Main output files

Host_prediction_to_genus_mXX.csv, where XX is the minimum score cutoff selected (default: Host_prediction_to_genus_m90.csv)

This contains integrated results from host-based and phage-based tools at the host genus level:

Virus AAI to closest RaFAH reference Host genus Confidence score List of methods
IMGVR_UViG_3300029435_000002 48.49 d__Bacteria;p__Bacteroidota;c__Bacteroidia;o__Bacteroidales;f__Bacteroidaceae;g__Prevotella 98.50 RaFAH;91.30 iPHoP-RF;89.50 CRISPR;70.20
IMGVR_UViG_3300029435_000003 53.00 d__Bacteria;p__Firmicutes_A;c__Clostridia;o__Lachnospirales;f__Lachnospiraceae;g__Agathobacter 92.20 blast;94.40
IMGVR_UViG_3300029435_000003 53.00 d__Bacteria;p__Firmicutes_A;c__Clostridia;o__Lachnospirales;f__Lachnospiraceae;g__Bacteroides_F 90.90 CRISPR;93.30 iPHoP-RF;51.70
IMGVR_UViG_3300029435_000005 42.95 d__Bacteria;p__Firmicutes_A;c__Clostridia;o__Oscillospirales;f__Ruminococcaceae;g__Gemmiger 95.30 blast;96.70 CRISPR;92.70 iPHoP-RF;82.50
IMGVR_UViG_3300029435_000007 35.09 d__Bacteria;p__Bacteroidota;c__Bacteroidia;o__Bacteroidales;f__Bacteroidaceae;g__Prevotella 98.40 CRISPR;98.80 iPHoP-RF;95.40 blast;93.60
IMGVR_UViG_3300029435_000009 99.62 d__Bacteria;p__Firmicutes_A;c__Clostridia;o__Lachnospirales;f__Lachnospiraceae;g__Lachnospira 99.00 CRISPR;98.80 blast;92.60 iPHoP-RF;70.90 RaFAH;65.80
IMGVR_UViG_3300029435_000009 99.62 d__Bacteria;p__Firmicutes_A;c__Clostridia;o__Lachnospirales;f__Lachnospiraceae;g__Roseburia 95.70 CRISPR;97.00 iPHoP-RF;56.80
IMGVR_UViG_3300029435_000010 22.47 d__Bacteria;p__Proteobacteria;c__Gammaproteobacteria;o__Burkholderiales;f__Burkholderiaceae;g__Sutterella 97.60 blast;98.30 CRISPR;80.00 iPHoP-RF;78.30
  • This output file lists for each prediction the virus sequence ID, the level of amino-acid similarity (AAI) between the query and the genomes in the RaFAH phage database, the predicted host genus, the confidence score calculated from all tools, and the list of scores for individual classifiers obtained for this virus-host pair.
  • For the detailed score by classifier, "RaFAH" represents the score derived from RaFAH (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666389921001008), iPHoP-RF is the score derived from all host-based tools, CRISPR the score derived only from CRISPR hits, and blast the score derived only from blastn hits
  • All virus-host pairs for which the confidence score is higher than the selected cutoff (default = 90) are included, so each virus may be associated with multiple predictions (e.g. IMGVR_UViG_3300029435_000003 and IMGVR_UViG_3300029435_000009).



注意事项:对于版本小于1.2.0的iPHoP,在添加自定义MAGs时,需要的是GTDB-tk v1.5.0的输出结果,目前与GTDB-tk v2的输出不兼容。但在1.2及更高版本中,这一问题应该已经得到了修复。

用户可以将他们自己的MAGs添加到宿主数据库中,例如从获取输入噬菌体的相同数据集或采样地点获得的MAGs。iPHoP中的"add_to_db"模块可用于此目的,需要为每个MAG提供fasta文件以及应用在这些相同MAG上的"gtdb-tk infer"功能的结果。示例文件集可在https://bitbucket.org/srouxjgi/iphop/downloads/Data_test_add_to_db.tar.gz 获取,基于Dalcin Martins等人发表的研究“Viral and metabolic controls on high rates of microbial sulfur and carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems”的数据。



wget https://bitbucket.org/srouxjgi/iphop/downloads/Data_test_add_to_db.tar.gz


tar -xvf Data_test_add_to_db.tar.gz


ls Data_test_add_to_db



gtdbtk de_novo_wf --genome_dir Wetland_MAGs/ --bacteria --outgroup_taxon p__Patescibacteria --out_dir Wetland_MAGs_GTDB-tk_results/ --cpus 32 --force --extension fa
gtdbtk de_novo_wf --genome_dir Wetland_MAGs/ --archaea --outgroup_taxon p__Altarchaeota --out_dir Wetland_MAGs_GTDB-tk_results/ --cpus 32 --force --extension fa


cd Data_test_add_to_db
iphop add_to_db --fna_dir Wetland_MAGs/ --gtdb_dir Wetland_MAGs_GTDB-tk_results/ --out_dir Sept_2021_pub_rw_w_Wetland_hosts --db_dir /path/to/iphop_db/Sept_2021_pub_rw/

 注意:为了避免复制大量文件,新数据库部分基于原始数据库的符号链接。这意味着如果原始数据库(此处为 "iphop_db/Sept_2021_pub/")被修改或删除,新的数据库也将无法正常工作。这也意味着应提供原始数据库的完整路径作为 "db_dir" 参数。


iphop predict --fa_file Input_viral_contigs.fasta --db_dir Sept_2021_pub_rw_w_Wetland_hosts/ --out_dir test_add_db -t 4


abstract = {The extraordinary diversity of viruses infecting bacteria and archaea is now primarily studied through metagenomics. While metagenomes enable high-throughput exploration of the viral sequence space, metagenome-derived sequences lack key information compared to isolated viruses, in particular host association. Different computational approaches are available to predict the host(s) of uncultivated viruses based on their genome sequences, but thus far individual approaches are limited either in precision or in recall, i.e., for a number of viruses they yield erroneous predictions or no prediction at all. Here, we describe iPHoP, a two-step framework that integrates multiple methods to reliably predict host taxonomy at the genus rank for a broad range of viruses infecting bacteria and archaea, while retaining a low false discovery rate. Based on a large dataset of metagenome-derived virus genomes from the IMG/VR database, we illustrate how iPHoP can provide extensive host prediction and guide further characterization of uncultivated viruses.},
author = {Roux, Simon and Camargo, Antonio Pedro and Coutinho, Felipe H. and Dabdoub, Shareef M. and Dutilh, Bas E. and Nayfach, Stephen and Tritt, Andrew},
doi = {10.1371/journal.pbio.3002083},
issn = {1545-7885},
journal = {PLOS Biology},
number = {4},
title = {
 {iPHoP}: {An} integrated machine learning framework to maximize host prediction for metagenome-derived viruses of archaea and bacteria},
volume = {21},
year = {2023},


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