算法练习Day24 (Leetcode/Python-回溯算法)

93. Restore IP Addresses

valid IP address consists of exactly four integers separated by single dots. Each integer is between 0 and 255 (inclusive) and cannot have leading zeros.

  • For example, "" and "" are valid IP addresses, but """" and "192.168@1.1" are invalid IP addresses.

Given a string s containing only digits, return all possible valid IP addresses that can be formed by inserting dots into s. You are not allowed to reorder or remove any digits in s. You may return the valid IP addresses in any order.

Example 1:

Input: s = "25525511135"
Output: ["",""]


class Solution(object):
    def backtrack(self, s, start_index, point_num, current, result):
        if point_num == 3:
            if self.is_valid(s, start_index, len(s) - 1):
                current += s[start_index:]
        for i in range(start_index, len(s)):
            if self.is_valid(s, start_index, i):
                sub = s[start_index:i+1]
                self.backtrack(s,i+1,point_num+1, current+sub+'.', result)

    def is_valid(self, s, start, end):
        if start > end:
            return False
        if s[start] == '0' and start != end:  # 0开头的数字不合法
            return False
        num = 0
        for i in range(start, end + 1):
            if not s[i].isdigit():  # 遇到非数字字符不合法
                return False
            num = num * 10 + int(s[i])
            if num > 255:  # 如果大于255了不合法
                return False
        return True

    def restoreIpAddresses(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: List[str]
        result = []
        self.backtrack(s, 0, 0, "", result)
        return result

78. Subsets

Given an integer array nums of unique elements, return all possible 


 (the power set).

The solution set must not contain duplicate subsets. Return the solution in any order.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,2,3]
Output: [[],[1],[2],[1,2],[3],[1,3],[2,3],[1,2,3]]


class Solution(object):
    def backtrack(self, nums, start_index, path, result):
        for i in range(start_index, len(nums)):
            self.backtrack(nums, i+1, path, result)

    def subsets(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: List[List[int]]
        result = []
        self.backtrack(nums, 0, [], result)
        return result


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