How to Replace One Character with Another in Bash Script

To replace one character with another in a Bash script, you can use the built-in parameter expansion feature. Here’s an example:

original_string="Hello, World!"
echo "$replacement_string"

In this example, we have a variable original_string that contains the original string. We then use parameter expansion with the ${original_string//o/a} syntax to replace all occurrences of the character ‘o’ with the character ‘a’. The result is stored in the replacement_string variable. Finally, we echo the replacement_string to display the modified string.


Hella, Warld!

In the ${original_string//o/a} syntax, the double forward slashes // indicate that all occurrences of the pattern ‘o’ should be replaced with the character ‘a’. If you only want to replace the first occurrence, you can use a single forward slash / instead.

Make sure to replace 'o' and 'a' with the actual characters you want to replace and replace with, respectively.

See parameter expansion for more details.



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