

With the giant leap of the economy,nowdays the youngsters have different opinions upon gratuation

Some think that....,while others think that....

Personally ,i perfer the former,the letter.

The following reasons can account for my preference.

First and foremost,there is no doubt that .....

Based on the big data,it is revealed that a majoority of successful social elities have addmitted.....

Additionally,it is obviously that 

Where tthere are ,there are.....

Last but no laest no one can deny that ....

Though .......

In a word,A is bettee than b.

If we spare no effort to work hard in our career,our life will be promising ans rosy.


As is starkly mirroned int the image,........

There is a question.....

It is revealed that ...

The following reason can account  for this issues.


First and foremost,there is no doubt that .....

Based on the big data,it is revealed that a majoority of successful social elities have addmitted.....

Additionally,it is obviously that 

Where tthere are ,there are.....

Last but no laest no one can deny that ....

Though .......

In a word,the whole society should pay attention to the porblem of .....

Only in this way can we......


With the continuous progress of society,.....现象

Many people have difficulties in.....

How do we solve these ....

The following solutions can account for the issues.

First and foremost,there is no doubt that .....

Based on the big data,it is revealed that a majoority of successful social elities have addmitted.....

Additionally,it is obviously that 

Where tthere are ,there are.....

Last but no laest no one can deny that ....

Though .......

In a word,the whole society should pay attention to the porblem of .....

Only in this way can we......


As the old saying goes"    (名言警句)",for us  college students ,it has an increasing important ....

The following reasons can account for this issues.

First and foremost,there is no doubt that .....

Based on the big data,it is revealed that a majoority of successful social elities have addmitted.....

Additionally,it is obviously that 

Where there are ,there are.....

Last but no laest no one can deny that ....

Though .......

In a word,if you want to have some achievement ,you should do....

if we try our best to do.....

the futurec of our career will be proming  ans positive,



First and foremost ,there is no doublt that.

Based on the big data,it is revealed that  ....

Additionally,it is obiviously that ....

Where there are ,there are

Last but no least,no one can deny....



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