





我们可以假设我们从每个单词中创建一个向量,这样我们就可以处理信息。对于每个单词,生成一个512维的向量。所有3个矩阵都是512x512(因为单词嵌入的维度是512)。对于每个标记嵌入,我们将其与所有三个矩阵(Q, K, V)相乘,每个标记将有3个长度为512的中间向量。












import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from typing import List

def get_input_embeddings(words: List[str], embeddings_dim: int):
# we are creating random vector of embeddings_dim size for each words
# normally we train a tokenizer to get the embeddings.
# check the blog on tokenizer to learn about this part
embeddings = [torch.randn(embeddings_dim) for word in words]
return embeddings

text = "I should sleep now"
words = text.split(" ")
len(words) # 4

embeddings_dim = 512 # 512 dim because the original paper uses it. we can use other dim also
embeddings = get_input_embeddings(words, embeddings_dim=embeddings_dim)
embeddings[0].shape # torch.Size([512])

# initialize the query, key and value metrices
query_matrix = nn.Linear(embeddings_dim, embeddings_dim)
key_matrix = nn.Linear(embeddings_dim, embeddings_dim)
value_matrix = nn.Linear(embeddings_dim, embeddings_dim)
query_matrix.weight.shape, key_matrix.weight.shape, value_matrix.weight.shape # torch.Size([512, 512]), torch.Size([512, 512]), torch.Size([512, 512])

# query, key and value vectors computation for each words embeddings
query_vectors = torch.stack([query_matrix(embedding) for embedding in embeddings])
key_vectors = torch.stack([key_matrix(embedding) for embedding in embeddings])
value_vectors = torch.stack([value_matrix(embedding) for embedding in embeddings])
query_vectors.shape, key_vectors.shape, value_vectors.shape # torch.Size([4, 512]), torch.Size([4, 512]), torch.Size([4, 512])

# compute the score
scores = torch.matmul(query_vectors, key_vectors.transpose(-2, -1)) / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(embeddings_dim, dtype=torch.float32))
scores.shape # torch.Size([4, 4])

# compute the attention weights for each of the words with the other words
softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
attention_weights = softmax(scores)
attention_weights.shape # torch.Size([4, 4])

# attention output
output = torch.matmul(attention_weights, value_vectors)
output.shape # torch.Size([4, 512])








当我们在一个head中有了小查询、键和值(64 dim的)之后,计算剩下的逻辑与单个head注意相同。最后得到的64维的向量来自每个头。




num_heads = 8
# batch dim is 1 since we are processing one text.
batch_size = 1

text = "I should sleep now"
words = text.split(" ")
len(words) # 4

embeddings_dim = 512
embeddings = get_input_embeddings(words, embeddings_dim=embeddings_dim)
embeddings[0].shape # torch.Size([512])

# initialize the query, key and value metrices
query_matrix = nn.Linear(embeddings_dim, embeddings_dim)
key_matrix = nn.Linear(embeddings_dim, embeddings_dim)
value_matrix = nn.Linear(embeddings_dim, embeddings_dim)
query_matrix.weight.shape, key_matrix.weight.shape, value_matrix.weight.shape # torch.Size([512, 512]), torch.Size([512, 512]), torch.Size([512, 512])

# query, key and value vectors computation for each words embeddings
query_vectors = torch.stack([query_matrix(embedding) for embedding in embeddings])
key_vectors = torch.stack([key_matrix(embedding) for embedding in embeddings])
value_vectors = torch.stack([value_matrix(embedding) for embedding in embeddings])
query_vectors.shape, key_vectors.shape, value_vectors.shape # torch.Size([4, 512]), torch.Size([4, 512]), torch.Size([4, 512])

# (batch_size, num_heads, seq_len, embeddings_dim)
query_vectors_view = query_vectors.view(batch_size, -1, num_heads, embeddings_dim//num_heads).transpose(1, 2)
key_vectors_view = key_vectors.view(batch_size, -1, num_heads, embeddings_dim//num_heads).transpose(1, 2)
value_vectors_view = value_vectors.view(batch_size, -1, num_heads, embeddings_dim//num_heads).transpose(1, 2)
query_vectors_view.shape, key_vectors_view.shape, value_vectors_view.shape
# torch.Size([1, 8, 4, 64]),
# torch.Size([1, 8, 4, 64]),
# torch.Size([1, 8, 4, 64])

# We are splitting the each vectors into 8 heads.
# Assuming we have one text (batch size of 1), So we split
# the embedding vectors also into 8 parts. Each head will
# take these parts. If we do this one head at a time.
head1_query_vector = query_vectors_view[0, 0, ...]
head1_key_vector = key_vectors_view[0, 0, ...]
head1_value_vector = value_vectors_view[0, 0, ...]
head1_query_vector.shape, head1_key_vector.shape, head1_value_vector.shape

# The above vectors are of same size as before only the feature dim is changed from 512 to 64
# compute the score
scores_head1 = torch.matmul(head1_query_vector, head1_key_vector.permute(1, 0)) / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(embeddings_dim//num_heads, dtype=torch.float32))
scores_head1.shape # torch.Size([4, 4])

# compute the attention weights for each of the words with the other words
softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
attention_weights_head1 = softmax(scores_head1)
attention_weights_head1.shape # torch.Size([4, 4])

output_head1 = torch.matmul(attention_weights_head1, head1_value_vector)
output_head1.shape # torch.Size([4, 512])

# we can compute the output for all the heads
outputs = []
for head_idx in range(num_heads):
head_idx_query_vector = query_vectors_view[0, head_idx, ...]
head_idx_key_vector = key_vectors_view[0, head_idx, ...]
head_idx_value_vector = value_vectors_view[0, head_idx, ...]
scores_head_idx = torch.matmul(head_idx_query_vector, head_idx_key_vector.permute(1, 0)) / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(embeddings_dim//num_heads, dtype=torch.float32))

softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
attention_weights_idx = softmax(scores_head_idx)
output = torch.matmul(attention_weights_idx, head_idx_value_vector)

[out.shape for out in outputs]
# [torch.Size([4, 64]),
# torch.Size([4, 64]),
# torch.Size([4, 64]),
# torch.Size([4, 64]),
# torch.Size([4, 64]),
# torch.Size([4, 64]),
# torch.Size([4, 64]),
# torch.Size([4, 64])]

# stack the result from each heads for the corresponding words
word0_outputs = torch.cat([out[0] for out in outputs])

# lets do it for all the words
attn_outputs = []
for i in range(len(words)):
attn_output = torch.cat([out[i] for out in outputs])
[attn_output.shape for attn_output in attn_outputs] # [torch.Size([512]), torch.Size([512]), torch.Size([512]), torch.Size([512])]

# Now lets do it in vectorize way.
# We can not permute the last two dimension of the key vector.
key_vectors_view.permute(0, 1, 3, 2).shape # torch.Size([1, 8, 64, 4])

# Transpose the key vector on the last dim
score = torch.matmul(query_vectors_view, key_vectors_view.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)) # Q*k
score = torch.softmax(score, dim=-1)

# reshape the results
attention_results = torch.matmul(score, value_vectors_view)
attention_results.shape # [1, 8, 4, 64]

# merge the results
attention_results = attention_results.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous().view(batch_size, -1, embeddings_dim)
attention_results.shape # torch.Size([1, 4, 512])


注意力机制(attention mechanism)是Transformer模型中的重要组成部分。Transformer是一种基于自注意力机制(self-attention)的神经网络模型,广泛应用于自然语言处理任务,如机器翻译、文本生成和语言模型等。本文介绍的自注意力机制是Transformer模型的基础,在此基础之上衍生发展出了各种不同的更加高效的注意力机制,所以深入了解自注意力机制,将能够更好地理解Transformer模型的设计原理和工作机制,以及如何在具体的各种任务中应用和调整模型。这将有助于你更有效地使用Transformer模型并进行相关研究和开发。



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