练 习

2 select * from employee where age>20;
3 写出sql语句,查询所有年龄大于等于22小于25的女性员工
4 select * from employee where age between 22 and 25 and sex='女';
5 写出sql语句,统计男女员工各有多少名
6 select Sex,count(*) as count from employee group by Sex;
7 写出sql语句,按照年龄降序获取员工信息
8 select * from emloyee where age index;
9 写出sql语句,获取员工中哪个姓名具有重名现象
10 select Name,count(*) as count from employee group by Name having count>1;
11 写出sql语句,查询所有姓张的员工
12 select * from employee where Name like '张%';
13 写出sql语句,查询住址为北京的前3条记录
14 select * from employee where Address='北京' limit 3;
15 写出sql语句,查询员工总数
16 select count(*) from employee;
17 写出sql语句,向表中插入一条记录
18 insert into employee
19 values("周一",“男”,“25”,“张家口”);
20 写出sql语句,修改员工张四的住址为南京
21 update employee set Address='南京' where Name='张四';
22 写出sql语句,删除年龄大于24岁的女员工

delete from employee where Sex='女' and Age>24;

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