IT6161: MIPI to HDMI Converter

The IT6161 is a high-performance and low-power MIPI to HDMI converter, fully compliant with MIPI D-PHY 1.1, DSI 1.1 and HDMI 1.4b, HDCP 1.4 and backward compatible with DVI 1.0 specifications. 
IT6161是一款高性能、低功耗的MIPI到HDMI转换器,完全符合MIPI D-PHY 1.1、DSI 1.1和HDMI 1.4b、HDCP 1.4标准,并向后兼容DVI 1.0规范。

The IT6161 supports four lanes MIPI RX and HDMI TX interface. 
IT6161支持四通道MIPI RX和HDMI TX接口。

The data transfer rate of MIPI RX is up to 1 Gbps per lane.
MIPI RX的数据传输速率高达每通道1gbps。

IT6161 support MIPI DSI packed pixel stream 24-bit RGB888, loosely packed pixel stream 18-bit RGB666 and packed pixel stream 18-bit RGB666 the IT6161, and thus the video data and timing can be easily switched from external MIPI RX to internal pattern generator for testing.
IT6161支持MIPI DSI封装像素流24位RGB888, IT6161支持松散封装像素流18位RGB666和封装像素流18位RGB666,因此视频数据和时序可以很容易地从外部MIPI RX切换到内部模式发生器进行测试。

mode, the sync even short packets can be received and generate HSync and Vsync by firmware setting. 

A Pattern Generator is embedded inlMIPI input 1/2/4-lane swap and HDMI output channel swap and PN swap can be controlled separately for flexible circuit layout.

Aside from the various video output formats supported, the IT6161 also supports 8 channels of I2S digital audio, with sampling rate up to 192kHz and sample size up to 24 bits. 

IT6161 also support S/PDIF input of up to 192 kHz sampling rate.
IT6161还支持S/PDIF输入,采样率高达192 kHz。

The newly supported High-Bit Rate (HBR) audio by HDMI Specifications vl.

4b is provided by the IT6161 in two interfaces: with the four I2S inputlports or the S/PDIF input port. 

With both interfaces the highest possible HBR frame rate is supported at up to 768 kHz.
这两个接口都支持最高可能的HBR帧速率,最高可达768 kHz。

By default the IT6161 comes with integrated HDCP ROMs which are pre-programmed with HDCP keys that ensures secure digital content transmission. 
默认情况下,IT6161配备集成的HDCP rom,预编程HDCP密钥,确保安全的数字内容传输。

Users need not worry about the procurement and maintenance of the HDCP keys.

The IT6161 also provides a complete solution of Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) function. 

This optional CEC feature of HDMI specification allows the user to control two or more CEC-enabled devices through HDMI network. 

With IT6161 embedded CEC PHY, users can use high-level software API to easily implement all the necessary remote control commands. 
使用IT6161嵌入式CEC PHY,用户可以使用高级软件API轻松实现所有必要的远程控制命令。

The CEC bus related protocol is handled by the CEC PHY which eliminates extra loading of the MCU.

IT6161 provides 12C interface for firmware setting. 

Please refer to the IT6161 Programming Guide if necessary.


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