Debian ip6tables allow IPv6 traffic on TCP port 18917

To troubleshoot and allow IPv6 traffic on TCP port 18917 on your Debian 11 system, follow these steps:

Allow IPv6 Traffic Using ip6tables

  1. Allow Incoming Traffic:
sudo ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 18917 -j ACCEPT
  1. Allow Outgoing Traffic:
sudo ip6tables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 18917 -j ACCEPT

Make the IPv6 Rules Persistent

  1. Install iptables-persistent if not already installed:
sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent
  1. Save the Current IPv6 Rules:
sudo netfilter-persistent save

Verify the IPv6 Rules

  1. List the Current IPv6 Rules:
sudo ip6tables -L -v -n

This command will show you the current ip6tables rules. Ensure that the rules for port 18917 are present in the INPUT and OUTPUT chains.

Ensure Network Connectivity

  1. Check Network Configuration:

Ensure that your network interface is configured to handle IPv6. Verify your network settings in /etc/network/interfaces or using nmcli if you are using NetworkManager.

  1. Check IPv6 Connectivity:

Ensure that your server has IPv6 connectivity and that it is correctly configured:


Debugging Connectivity Issues

  1. Check Firewall Status:

Ensure no other firewall or security groups are blocking IPv6 traffic:

sudo ufw status
sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
  1. Verify Port Listening:

Ensure that the service is listening on the correct IPv6 address and port:

sudo netstat -tuln | grep 18917

This command should show that the service is listening on :: or the specific IPv6 address for port 18917.

  1. Check Service Configuration:

Ensure that the service itself is configured to listen on IPv6 addresses. This might require checking the service configuration files.

By following these steps, you should be able to allow and troubleshoot IPv6 traffic on TCP port 18917 on your Debian 11 system.


  1. Debian ip6tables allow IPv6 traffic on TCP port 18917

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