


### 查看redis版本
./bin/redis-server --version

### 登录redis
./bin/redis-cli -c -h *.*.*.142 -p 17001 -a '******'

### 查看数据量
> info keyspace

### 批量删除keys
./bin/redis-cli  -c -h *.*.*.142 -p 17001 -a '******' keys  "*@_@*"  | xargs -r -t -n1 ./bin/redis-cli -c -h *.*.*.142 -p 17001 -a '******' del

./bin/redis-cli  -c -h *.*.*.144 -p 17001 -a '******' keys  "auth-dw*"  | xargs -r -t -n1 ./bin/redis-cli -c -h *.*.*.144 -p 17001 -a '******' del

### 删除所有keys
> flushall

### 查看set类型变量的内容
smembers "auth-ds:446fc...@24cfd7b0..."

2、redis-shake 配置与启动

编辑配置文件 vim ./sync.toml
type = "sync"

version = 7.0 # redis version, such as 2.8, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.2, 7.0, ...
address = "*.*.*.93:17001"
username = "" # keep empty if not using ACL
password = "******" # keep empty if no authentication is required
tls = false
elasticache_psync = "" # using when source is ElastiCache. ref:

type = "standalone" # "standalone" or "cluster"  
version = 7.0 # redis version, such as 2.8, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.2, 7.0, ...
 # When the target is a cluster, write the address of one of the nodes.
 # redis-shake will obtain other nodes through the `cluster nodes` command.

address = "*.*.*.142:17001"
username = "" # keep empty if not using ACL
password = "******" # keep empty if no authentication is required
tls = false

dir = "data"

ncpu = 4 # runtime.GOMAXPROCS, 0 means use runtime.NumCPU() cpu cores

pprof_port = 0 # pprof port, 0 means disable

metrics_port = 0 # metric port, 0 means disable

log_file = "redis-shake.log"
log_level = "info" # debug, info or warn
log_interval = 5 # in seconds

rdb_restore_command_behavior = "skip" # panic, rewrite or skip

pipeline_count_limit = 1024 # pipeline

target_redis_client_max_querybuf_len = 1024_000_000

target_redis_proto_max_bulk_len = 512_000_000
nohup ./redis-shake sync.toml 1>> redis-shake.log 2>> redis-shake.log &


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